PM urged for Democratization of Technology at G7 Outreach summit | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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PM urged for Democratization of Technology at G7 Outreach summit

Posted 17 Jun 2024

2 min read

Democratization of Technology (DoT) refers to the process by which access to technology becomes more widespread among the larger population.

  • Some key facets of DoT include accessibility, affordability, decentralization, skill development, shared resources, etc.

Significance of DoT 

  • Economic: Enables individuals and small businesses to leverage tech platforms to start new ventures, innovate, and compete in various sectors driving economic growth, job creation, and income opportunities.
  • Social: Bridge digital divides and provide access to educational resources, healthcare information, financial services, etc., enabling social mobility. e.g., Massive Open Online Courses offered by NPTEL.
  • Cultural: Social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram have given voice to diverse communities and enabled the sharing of cultural content globally.
  • Governance: Facilitate greater citizen engagement, public discourse, and accountability in governance and decision-making processes. e.g., Social Media outreach to public service beneficiaries.

Challenges in DoT

  • Digital divide and infrastructure gap: e.g., Lack of reliable and affordable internet connectivity, particularly in remote and rural areas. 
  • Gender and social inequities: Persistent gender disparities in access to education, employment, and resources exacerbate the digital divide.
  • Cybersecurity and privacy concerns: Concerns about data privacy, online fraud, etc., can deter individuals and organizations from fully embracing tech.

Steps Taken for DoT in India

  • Digital Public Infrastructure: ‘India Stack’ was created for digital identification, payments, and data management. 
  • Common Service Centres: Access point for delivery of Government-to-Citizen (G2C) e-Services within the reach of citizens, by creating physical service delivery ICT infrastructure.
  • NAMO Drone Didi Initiative: To help Women SHGs purchase drones for farming purposes.
  • India AI mission: To democratize the benefits of AI across all strata of society.
  • Tags :
  • Digital Public Infrastructure
  • Democratization of Technology
  • Digital divide
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