Stampede at Religious Event in Uttar Pradesh Claims Multiple Lives | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Stampede at Religious Event in Uttar Pradesh Claims Multiple Lives

Posted 03 Jul 2024

2 min read

Stampede can be described as disruption of orderly movement of crowds leading to injuries and fatalities. 

  • Some examples of such disasters include Sabrimala stampede, 2011; Kalkaji temple’s platform collapse 2024, etc.

Causes and Triggers for Crowd Disasters 

  • Structural: Collapse of barricades, slippery roads, difficult terrain, etc.  Example, five bridges collapsed in 9 days in Bihar in 2024.
  • Fire/Electricity: Fire code violations, non-availability of fire extinguisher, etc. Example, Uphaar Cinema Fire in 1997 due to fire code violations.
  • Under deployment of security personnel to regulate crowd, absence of CCTV, etc.
  • Coordination gap between agencies (e.g. District Magistrate, Fire Service, etc.).

Crowd Management

  • It means a public security practice in which crowds are managed to prevent the outbreak of crowd disasters, affrays, fights or riots etc.

NDMA Guidelines on Crowd Management

  • Capacity Planning: Long Term Perspectives for infrastructure development should depend on popularity, periodicity of event, weather, terrain, local population etc.
  • Local Government should establish safety codes by determining existing capacity and other essential attributes.
  • Risk Analysis and Preparedness: Event organizers/planners conduct Failure Mode and Effect Analysis which involves rating every possible hazard.
  • Information dissemination: Communicating with visitors and providing them with correct information.
  • Tags :
  • Stampede
  • Crowd Management
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