Demand of restoring 'Education' to the State list | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Demand of restoring 'Education' to the State list

Posted 04 Jul 2024

2 min read

Presently, education is under concurrent list of Schedule 7 of the Constitution enabling both the Centre as well as the States to enact laws.

Background about listing of Education: 

  • Under the Government of India Act, of 1935 -Education was kept under the Provincial Legislative List.
  • After independence, education was on the State list of seventh schedule.
  • The 42nd Constitutional Amendment (1976) moved it to the Concurrent list, following the Swaran Singh Committee's recommendation.
    • There was no explicit reason given for the change.
  • Benefits of  bringing education under concurrent list
    • To evolve all-India policies on education as a subject.
    • Lack of professionalism and corruption in state run universities.

Reasons for demand to shift education in State List

  • One size fits all: Approach is neither feasible nor desirable for a diverse country like India.
  • Revenue expenditure on Education: As per 'Analysis of Budgeted expenditure on Education' 2022,24% is spent by the Centre while 76% is spent by the States.
  • The syllabus can  be tailored according to the requirements of each state.

International Practices

  • U.S.: State and local governments set the overall educational standards,and supervise colleges and universities. The federal education department’s functions primarily focus on policies for financial aid.
  • Canada: education is managed by the provinces. 
  • Germany: Legislative powers for education reside with states. 
  • South Africa:  national departments for school and higher education, with provinces implementing national policies and addressing local educational needs.
  • Tags :
  • Education
  • Schedule 7
  • Government of India Act, of 1935
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