Russian Missiles hit Children's Cancer Hospital in Kyiv (Ukraine) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Russian Missiles hit Children's Cancer Hospital in Kyiv (Ukraine)

Posted 09 Jul 2024

2 min read

Such incidents raise debate around the Ethics of War leading to the question whether a war is ever justified. 

  • According to Tolstoyan view war is a crime under all circumstances. 
  • Whereas, ‘Just War’ theory presumes that there are legitimate uses of war under certain circumstance (refer to the box in the end)

Key Stakeholders involved in a war and their interest

  • Countries: Fulfilling the objective of war like resolving territorial disputes.
  • Citizens: Desire for end of war and desire to fulfil national interest.
  • Soldiers: Defending their country and its interests.
  •  Industries, and Financial Institutions: Disruptions in supply chains, loss of investments, etc.
  • International community: Provide humanitarian aid, diplomatic support, or engage in peacekeeping efforts

Ethical issues associated with war

  • Loss of human life including civilians, women and children
  • Degradation of Moral Equality by dehumanization of the enemy, Prisoners of War, etc. 
    • Moral Equality is the belief that all people are of equal worth and are entitled to equal respect. 
  • War Crimes and Atrocities, including genocide, and summary execution. 
  • Fear of arms race and use of weapons of mass destruction

Just War Theory

  • Vedic literature, Mahabharat, etc.  have emphasised on Just war. 
  • In West Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, etc. have espoused some form of a just war philosophy. 
  • It incorporates: 
    • Jus ad bellum (moral justifications for going to war): Requires that the cause for war is just; the right authority makes the decision; war is a last resort; etc. 
    • Jus in bello (moral principles to follow during war): Governs the treatment of prisoners; requires the protection of civilians, and prohibits the disproportionate use of force.
    •  Jus post bellum (justice after war).
  • Tags :
  • Ukraine –Russia Conflict
  • Ethics of War
  • Just War Theory
  • Jus ad bellum
  • Jus in bello
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