SBI Report Pitches for “A New Comprehensive Mineral” policy | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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SBI Report Pitches for “A New Comprehensive Mineral” policy

Posted 09 Jul 2024

2 min read

India is endowed with huge resources of many metallic and non-metallic minerals, and currently produces as many as 95 minerals. But India’s mineral production growth has stagnated since last five years.

Need for New Mineral Policy

  • Low CAGR: The 5-year CAGR (from FY19 to FY24) of most of the major minerals (in quantity terms) is in single digits or declining.
  • High Employment Potential Sector: Mining is a huge labor-intensive sector.
    • 10% increase in mineral production, in value terms, could generate an additional 50,000 - 70,000 daily jobs.
  • Import Reliance: India is 100% import dependent for certain critical minerals.
    • Critical minerals are metallic or non-metallic elements like lithium, graphite, etc that are considered to have a role in a country’s economic or national security.
  • To curb Other challenges: Bureaucratic hurdles, regulatory hurdles, and lack of infrastructure.

Recommendations of Report

  • Comprehensive policy that spans entire value chain E.g.:
    • Advanced geoscience techniques, sustainable extraction methods, Establishing robust processing facilities etc.
    • International Collaboration with other countries.
    • Enhancing of processing capacity.
    • Involvement of private sector.
    • Introduction of PLI, Promoting a circular economy through recycling.

Steps Taken to promote the mining sector

  • Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL): Mandated to identify and acquire overseas minerals of critical and strategic nature.
  • Mines & Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act 1957 with amendments in 2015 and 2020.
  • Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshtera Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) and District Mineral Foundation (DMF)
  • Tags :
  • Minerals
  • Critical Minerals
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