Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department released ‘Elephant Population Estimation in Kerala – 2024’ | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department released ‘Elephant Population Estimation in Kerala – 2024’

Posted 20 Jul 2024

2 min read

Report is part of a synchronized elephant population estimation in the Southern States (Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu). 

  • Such synchronized exercise is mandated by an Interstate Coordination Committee (ICC) Charter established by the three Southern States in response to rising Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC).

Key Highlights

  • Elephant population in Kerala decreased to 1793 elephants from 1920 elephants in May 2023. 
  • High death rate (40%) among Juvenile elephants (aged 10 and below) attributed to the Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesviruses (EEHVs).
  • For mitigating HEC, it recommends conducting socio-ecological studies on behaviour of crop raiding animals and a permanent system to assess and monitor HEC.

Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus)

  • It is one of three subspecies of Asian elephants, the other two being the Sumatran and Sri Lankan elephants.
  • India is home to over 60% of the world's elephant population with the highest population in Karnataka, followed by Assam and Kerala. 
  • Characteristics 
    • Life span: 60-70 years.
    • Gestation period: 20-22 months. 
    • Reproduction: A female starts calving at 18-20 years.
    • Leader of an elephant group: Female.
  • Threats: Habitat Fragmentation and degradation due to human settlements, expansion of agriculture and industry, human-elephant conflict, poaching, etc. 
  • Conservation Status 
    • Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule I 
    • IUCN status: Endangered
    • CITES: Appendix I

Role of Elephants in ecosystem 

  • Maintain Ecological Balance: By limiting growth of vegetation, facilitating seed germination, dispersal of plant seeds etc. 
  • Improves Soil Fertility by helping in nutrient recycling and maintain grasslands
  • Keystone species: Positively influence growth of numerous plant and animal species. 

Conservation Measures

  • Project Elephant: Launched in 1992 to protect elephants, their habitat & corridors. 
  • Mitigate HEC: Electric fences, early warning systems, and beehive fences, etc. 
  • 33 Elephant Reserves in 14 major Elephant states. 
  • Tags :
  • Indian Elephant
  • Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesviruses
  • nterstate Coordination Committee (ICC) Charter
  • Human-Elephant Conflict
  • Elephant Population Estimation
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