Hypersonic Missile | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 21 May 2024

14 min read

Hypersonic Missile

  • Russian President confirmed that the 3M22 Zircon hypersonic missile had been used in battle. 
  • Hypersonic Missile
    • Missile that can travel at Mach-5 or faster, or at least five times the speed of sound.
    • They fly at lower altitudes than ballistic missiles, making them harder to track.
    • Their extreme speed and maneuverability make them very difficult to defend against.
    • Hypersonic Glide Vehicles (HGV) and Hypersonic Cruise Missiles are two types of hypersonic weapons systems.
  • Tags :
  • Hypersonic Glide Vehicles
  • Hypersonic Cruise Missiles

Crystal Maze 2

  • The Indian Air Force has successfully tested a new version of a medium-range ballistic missile
  • About Crystal Maze 2 (aka ROCKS):
    • Origin: medium-range ballistic missile developed by Israel.
    • Range: strike range of over 250 km
    • Type: Air-to-surface missile
    • Aim: designed to strike high-value stationary and relocatable targets in GPS-denied environments
    • The missile can target long-range radar and air defense systems.
  • Tags :
  • medium-range ballistic missile
  • Air-to-surface missile

C-Dome Defense System

  • Israel deployed C-Dome defense system for the first time.
  • About C-Dome
    • It is a naval version of the Iron Dome air defense system used to shield against advanced ballistic, aerial, and surface-to-surface threats.
      • Iron Dome is a missile defense system that can protect deployed and maneuvering forces, as well as civilian areas against a wide range of indirect and aerial threats.
    • Handles saturation attacks by engaging multiple targets simultaneously, with short reaction time.
    • Unlike Iron Dome which has its own radar, C-Dome is integrated into the ship’s radar to detect incoming targets.
  • Tags :
  • C-Dome

Exercises in News

  • Exercise ‘Gagan Shakti’
    • The Indian Air Force is conducting its biggest exercise ‘Gagan Shakti’ at the Pokhran Field Firing Range in Jaisalmer district.
    • In the exercise, all the major fighter aircraft and modern helicopters of the Air Force will demonstrate their striking capabilities.
  • Exercise Poorvi Lehar or XPOL: The Indian Navy conducted Exercise Poorvi Lehar on the East Coast under the Operational Control of Eastern Naval Command.
  • Tiger Triumph 2024: Harbour Phase of the exercise Tiger Triumph is being conducted at Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh). 
    • Tiger Triumph is a Bilateral Tri-Service Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Amphibious Exercise between India and the US.
  • Tags :
  • Tiger Triumph 2024
  • Exercise ‘Gagan Shakti’
  • Exercise Poorvi Lehar

Cyber Risk: Concern For Macro-Financial Stability

  • Rising Cyber Threats Pose Serious Concerns for Macro-Financial Stability, warns International Monetary Fund (IMF). 
  • According to IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report 2024
    • Risk of extreme losses from cyber incidents has increased to $2.5 billion
    • Number of cyberattacks has almost doubled since COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Attacks on financial firms account for nearly one-fifth of total, of which banks are most exposed. 
  • Reasons Behind Rising Cyber Incidents in Financial Sector
    • Increased digital financial services offer target-rich environment for hackers. 
    • Insider threats i.e. users have authorized access to assets and misuse their privileges deliberately or accidentally for monetary gain.
    • Cybersecurity skills gap leaving financial firms vulnerable to cyber threats.
    • Geopolitical tensions. E.g. Surge in cyber-attack after Russia’ invasion of Ukraine.
  • Impact of Cyber Attacks on Macro-financial Stability
    • Data breach lead to loss of confidence in viability of targeted institution, resulting in high deposit outflows.
    • Cyber-attacks on payment networks can halt trading, online banking etc., and undermine country's financial stability.
    • Cyber-attacks propagate rapidly within a network of financial systems through financial linkages, thus impacting market stability.
  • Policy Recommendations
    • Strengthen reporting of cyber incidents by financial firms to supervisory agencies.
    • Financial firms should develop and test response and recovery procedures to remain operational in face of cyber incidents.
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  • Tags :
  • Cybercrime

Initiatives for Prevention of Crimes Against Peacekeepers

  • India-led Group of Friends (GOF) launched a new database designed to record crimes against Peacekeepers & monitor progress in holding perpetrators accountable. 
    • The GOF was launched by India in 2022 to promote accountability for crimes against the Blue Helmets during its presidency of the UN Security Council
  • UN peacekeeping forces are employed to maintain or re-establish peace in an area of armed conflict. However, they sometimes face violence in deployed regions.
    • These forces are also referred to as Blue Helmets as they are equipped in blue-coloured helmets.
    • They won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988.
  • Tags :
  • Peacekeepers
  • Group of Friends

International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)

  • India’s Jagjit Pavadia has been re-elected to INCB for the third term from 2025 to 2030.
  • About INCB
    • It is independent and quasi-judicial monitoring body for implementation of UN international drug control conventions.
    • It was established in 1968 in accordance with Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.
    • Members:  13 members (elected by UN Economic and Social Council for five years)
    • Its functions are laid down in:
      • Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.
      • Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971.
      • United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. 
  • Tags :
  • INCB

Indigenous Technology Cruise Missile (ITCM) Flight Tested

  • Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) conducted test from the Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur on the eastern coast.
  • About ITCM
    • Developed by the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) of DRDO.
    • It is a long-range subsonic cruise missile powered by an indigenous propulsion system.
      • The propulsion system is developed by Gas Turbine Research Establishment.
      • Cruise missiles are unmanned vehicles that remain within the atmosphere and can fly as low as a few meters off the ground.
      • Subsonic cruise missile flies at a speed lesser than that of sound (around 0.8 MACH)
  • Reasons for Missile and Satellite launch from the Eastern coast
    • A satellite launched from the sites near the equator towards the east direction gets an initial boost equal to the velocity of Earth's surface. 
      • It helps in cutting down the cost of rockets used to launch the satellites.
    • In case of the failure of satellite/missile, the Bay of Bengal provides a safe corridor that does not fall on built-up hinterland. 
    • Does not have major international maritime or airline routes crisscrossing testing..
      • During test launches, the few existing routes can be closed temporarily without causing much disruption.
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  • Tags :
  • DRDO
  • long-range subsonic cruise missile
  • ITCM

Agni Prime Successfully Flight-Tested

  • Agni-prime the new generation ballistic missile flight tested successfully.
  • It was conducted by Strategic Forces Command (SFC), along with the Defence Research and Development Organisation from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Island.
    • SFC is responsible for the management and administration of the country's tactical and strategic nuclear weapons stockpile.
  • About Agni prime
    • Two-stage canisterised solid propellant ballistic missile, with a maximum range of 1,000 to 2,000 km.
    • A nuclear-capable advanced variant of the Agni class of missiles.
    • Lighter than all the earlier Agni series of missiles and will be guided by inertial navigation systems (INS) based on advanced ring-laser gyroscopes.
    • First of the new generation of missiles after the end of the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP).


  • It was started in 1983 to enable India to attain self-sufficiency in the field of missile technology.
  • The missiles developed under the program were
    • Short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile Prithvi.
    • Intermediate-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile Agni.
    • Short-range low-level surface-to-air missile Trishul.
    • Medium-range surface-to-air missile Akash.
    • Third-generation anti-tank missile Nag.
  • Significance
    • As the warhead is preloaded, it offers the ability to launch with minimal preparation time.
    • It can be stored for many years together, with minimum inspection at periodic intervals.
    • It has very high accuracy, which is useful for precise targeting.
  • Tags :
  • ballistic missile

Submersible Platform for Acoustic Characterisation and Evaluation (SPACE)

  • SPACE, a premier testing and evaluation hub for sonar systems for Indian Navy, set up by DRDO.
  • About SPACE
    • It will consist of two distinct assemblages – 
      • a platform which floats on water surface
      • a submersible platform which can be lowered to any depth upto 100 m.
  • Significance
    • Evaluation of sonar systems, allowing for quick deployment and easy recovery of scientific package.
    • Help to survey, sampling, and data collection of air, surface, mid-water, and reservoir floor parameters using modern scientific instrumentation.
    • Boost anti-submarine warfare research capabilities.
  • Tags :
  • sonar systems
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