22nd Law Commission of India (LCI) submits its 286th Report titled “A Comprehensive Review of the Epidemic Diseases Act (EDA), 1897" | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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22nd Law Commission of India (LCI) submits its 286th Report titled “A Comprehensive Review of the Epidemic Diseases Act (EDA), 1897"

Posted 13 Feb 2024

Updated 22 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • As per 22nd LCI, existing legislation i.e. EDA 1897 does not comprehensively address the concerns pertaining to containment and management of future epidemics in country.


  • About EDA, 1897
    • It provides for prevention of spread of epidemic diseases. It granted extensive powers to State Governments to regulate, prevent and control epidemic disease.
      • Epidemic Diseases Bill was introduced in Council of Governor-General of India in Calcutta by John Woodburn.
      • Colonial government (Lord Elgin-II (1894 - 1899)) introduced EDA to tackle the epidemic of bubonic plague that had spread in erstwhile Bombay Presidency in 1896.
    • In light of violence faced by healthcare workers during COVID-19, Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Act, 2020 enacted which amended EDA, 1897. 


  • Limitations of EDA, 1897
    • Colonial era law incapable of handling the changing variants of communicable diseases.
    • Does not define an 'epidemic' or an 'infectious' disease, and does not differentiate between an 'outbreak', 'epidemic' and 'pandemic'.
    • Lack of decentralization and demarcation of power between Centre, State and local authorities.
    • Lacks stipulated guidelines that will be followed pertaining to isolation and quarantine. 
    • Makes no mention for safe disposal of infectious medical waste and human corpses.



  • Define terminologies like Outbreak, epidemic etc. in comprehensive manner.
  • Dedicated Standard Operating Procedure to respond against epidemic.
  • States should collaborate with Centre in preparing Epidemic Plan and revise it at regular intervals. 
  • Broad framework for imposing lockdown and restrictions on movement of people and vehicles.
  • Tags :
  • Health
  • Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897
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