Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) launched ‘Smart Gram Panchayat: Revolution towards Digitization of Gram Panchayat’ pilot project | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) launched ‘Smart Gram Panchayat: Revolution towards Digitization of Gram Panchayat’ pilot project

Posted 14 Feb 2024

Updated 22 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • This project aims to extend Prime Minister's WiFi Access Network Interface (PM-WANI) service in all gram panchayats across Begusarai district in Bihar
    • Project is funded under revamped Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan, implemented by MoPR.


  • Need to Digitise Gram Panchayats 
    • Enhance connectivity, bridge rural-urban divide, foster accountability and efficiency in local self-governance.
    • Enhance access to online services in crucial sectors like health, education and skilling, thereby elevating quality of life in rural areas.
    • Create employment, enhance disposable incomes of small and medium entrepreneurs and boost GDP of country.
    • PM- WANI Scheme was launched by Department of Telecommunication in 2020.
    • It aims to enhance proliferation of public WiFi hotspots to create robust digital communications infrastructure in country, especially in rural areas.


  • PM WANI consists four elements
    • Public Data Office (PDO): Establish, maintain, and operate PM-WANI compliant Wi-Fi Hotspots and deliver Broadband services to subscribers.
    • Public Data Office Aggregator (PDOA):  Provide aggregation services like authorization and accounting to PDOs.
    • App Provider: Develop an App to register users and discover WANI compliant Wi-Fi hotspots for accessing internet service.
    • Central Registry: Maintain details of App Providers, PDOAs, and PDOs. Currently, it is maintained by Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DoT).


Concerns with PM-WANI

  • Extensive network of public WiFi hotspots is susceptible to security threats.
  • Encouraging private sector innovation may lead to an increase in internet prices for users.
  • Slowdown in connection speed.


  • Tags :
  • Prime Minister's WiFi Access Network Interface
  • Digitization
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