Odisha declares Gupteswar forest in Koraput district as its fourth Bio-Diversity Heritage Site (BHS) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Odisha declares Gupteswar forest in Koraput district as its fourth Bio-Diversity Heritage Site (BHS)

Posted 14 Feb 2024

Updated 22 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • After Mandasaru (Kandhamala district), Mahendragiri (Gajpati district), and Gandhamardan (Bargarh & Bolangir districts), Gupteswar is also declared as BHS. 


  • About Gupteswar forest 
    • Location: Adjacent to Gupteswar Shiva temple (a natural limestone cave shrine). 
    • Significance: Holds sacred groves revered by the local community for generations and rich biodiversity. 
      • Key faunal species: Mugger crocodile, kanger valley rock gecko, and avifauna such as common hill myna, white-bellied woodpecker, and banded bay cuckoo, etc. 
      • Key floral species: Among others, forest has threatened medicinal plants such as the Indian trumpet tree, Indian snakeroot, Cumbi gum tree, Garlic pear tree, etc. 


  • About BHS 
    • BHS are unique ecosystems having rich biodiversity comprising of some specific components (refer to the infographics). 
    • Under Section 37 of Biological Diversity Act, 2002 State Government in consultation with local bodies may notify areas of biodiversity importance as BHS.
      • Also, State Government in consultation with Central Government may frame rules for management and conservation of BHS.
    • Creation of BHS may not put any restriction on prevailing practices and usages by local communities, other than those decided by them.


  • Tags :
  • Gupteswar forest
  • Bio-Diversity Heritage Site
  • Biological Diversity Act, 2002
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