Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) allocated annual fund of Rs 20 crore for 'Support to Poor Prisoners Scheme' across States and Union Territories (UTs) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) allocated annual fund of Rs 20 crore for 'Support to Poor Prisoners Scheme' across States and Union Territories (UTs)

Posted 23 Feb 2024

2 min read

  • This provides relief to poor prisoners who are either unable to pay fine imposed on them or are unable to secure bail due to financial constraints.
    • Prisons/ Persons detained therein, is a State subject.
  • Support to Poor Prisoners Scheme was announced in Union Budget 2023-24.
    • Through this, MHA will enable underprivileged prisoners, majority of whom belong to socially disadvantaged or marginalised groups with lower education and income levels, to get out of prison.
    • It will solve the problem of overcrowding in jails.


  • Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedure for implementation of Scheme
    • National Crime Records Bureau has been designated as Central Nodal Agency (CNA). Funds to States/UTs will be provided through CNA.
    • Constitute an Empowered Committee in each District of State/UT, which will assess requirement of financial support in each eligible case of a prisoner for securing bail etc.
    • Oversight Committee may be constituted at State Government level.
    • Maximum assistance would be Rs. 40,000 for undertrial prisoners and Rs 25,000 for convicted prisoners.
      • For any amount over and above Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 25, 000, proposal may be approved by State level Oversight Committee.


Other Measures taken to improve condition of Prison and Prisoners

  • Model Prisons Act, 2023 for ensuring transformation of inmates into law-abiding citizens and their rehabilitation in society.
  • Fast Track Courts to expedite trial of pending cases.
  • National Human Rights Commission to protect basic rights of prison.
  • Model Prison Manual 2016 provides detailed guidelines on facilities which may be provided to under trial inmates.
  • Tags :
  • Support to Poor Prisoners
  • Prison and Prisoners
  • Prisoner rights
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