Value of Antarctic and Southern Ocean (A&SO) Ecosystem Services | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Value of Antarctic and Southern Ocean (A&SO) Ecosystem Services

Posted 28 Feb 2024

2 min read

  • A recent study published in a journal estimated economic value of ecosystem services of A&SO at around $180 billion (USD) per annum.


  • Ecosystem services: Defined as the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well-being, and have an impact on our survival and quality of life.


  • Ecosystem Services provided by A&SO
    • Provisioning services: Characterised by ability of humans to obtain products from ecosystems.
      • Antarctic toothfish and krill used as food for humans, high-value pharmaceuticals, etc.
    • Regulating services: Benefits obtained from natural processes and functioning of ecosystems, such as climate regulation, natural hazard regulation, etc.
      • Southern Ocean absorbs CO₂ from atmosphere and helps transport water around the globe.
    • Cultural services: Non-material benefits obtained by people from ecosystems such as spiritual enrichment, recreation, etc.
      • Tourism and scientific research in Antarctic.


  • Governance of A&SO
    • Antarctic Treaty (1959): Applies to area south of 60° South latitude, stipulates peaceful use of Antarctica.
    • Antarctic Treaty System: Comprises the Treaty itself and a number of related agreements related to scientific cooperation, protection of Antarctic environment, etc.


India’s interests in A&SO

  • Scientific Research: Two operational research stations in Antarctica - Maitri (1989) and Bharati (2012).
    • Dakshin Gangotri was decommissioned in 1990.
  • Indian Antarctic Act, 2022: Aimed at having India’s own national measures for protecting Antarctic environment and associated ecosystem.
  • India is a signatory to Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources and Madrid Protocol.
  • Tags :
  • Antarctic and Southern Ocean
  • Ecosystem Services
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