Annual Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Atlas of India | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Annual Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Atlas of India

Posted 10 Apr 2024

1 min read

  • Atlas, released by the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), aims to systematically examine land utilization patterns to offers invaluable insights into the evolving dynamics of our environment.


  • Key highlights of the Atlas
    • Agriculture: Over the past 17 years, Kharif and Rabi cropland has expanded by 46.06% and 35.23% respectively, as fallow land diminished by 45.19%.
      • Double/ triple/ annual cropping areas have also increased by 82.22%. (Double/ triple crop land are areas where crops are sown and harvested twice/ thrice in one crop year. Annual crop are perennial and grow throughout year such as sugarcane)
      • Since 2005, shifting cultivation increased until 2016-17, after which it witnessed a decline.
    • Water resources: Indicated by minimum water body surface showed an increase by 146 % since 2005.
    • Built-up land: Shows an increase with an overall growth of 30.77% since 2005. 
      • Built-up area refers to an area with buildings, paved surfaces, commercial and industrial sites, and urban green areas.
      • Wastelands (degraded and unproductive lands) contributed significantly to built-up area expansion by 12.3%.


  • Reasons for changes in LULC: Improved availability of farm inputs such as improved irrigation facilities, urbanization and infrastructure development, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Land Use
  • ISRO Atlas
  • National Remote Sensing Centre
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