‘Geospatial Modeling and Mapping of Soil Erosion in India’ study published by IIT-Delhi | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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‘Geospatial Modeling and Mapping of Soil Erosion in India’ study published by IIT-Delhi

Posted 10 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • Study provides comprehensive national-scale assessment of soil erosion and sediment yield mapping over India, and to enable the planning and implementation of soil conservation strategies.


  • Soil Erosion is defined as the accelerated removal of topsoil from land surface through water, wind and tillage.
    • It occurs naturally under all climatic conditions, but it is significantly increased and accelerated by unsustainable human activities through intensive agriculture, deforestation, improper land use changes, etc.


  • Key findings of the study
    • Losses: Yearly potential soil loss for India is calculated at 21 tonnes/ha/yr.
      • >78 million hectares of agricultural land in India experience an average productivity loss of 8%.
    • Vulnerability hotspots: Brahmaputra basin has the maximum potential soil erosion, followed by the Mahanadi and the Ganga basins.
      • ~5% of geographical area, covering significant portions of Assam, some portions of Meghalaya, and Himachal Pradesh, classified under catastrophic erosion category (potential to damage roads, fences, and even buildings by creating deep gullies).
    • Factors for erosion: Rainfall intensity, combined with the topographic factor, demonstrated the highest influence on soil erosion.


  • Concerns due to soil erosion: Reduced productivity due to loss of fertile topsoil, sedimentation of water bodies, increased flooding and landslides, desertification, etc.


Initiatives to address Soil Erosion in India

  • Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP): To restore ecological balance by harnessing, conserving, and developing degraded natural resources such as soil, vegetative cover and water.
  • Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IWDP): For improving the productivity of waste & degraded lands.
  • Bonn challenge under UNCCD: India to restore 26 million hectares of degraded and deforested land by 2030.
  • Tags :
  • Soil Erosion
  • Watershed Management
  • Wasteland Development
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