South Korean scientists develop sodium ion battery that can be charged in seconds | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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South Korean scientists develop sodium ion battery that can be charged in seconds

Posted 23 Apr 2024

1 min read

  • The technology is a high-power hybrid sodium-ion battery capable of rapid charging.
    • It is being conceived as an cheaper and potentially more feasible source of energy than Lithium-Ion batteries.


  • Sodium Ion Battery vs Lithium-Ion Battery
SpecificationsSodium Ion BatteryLithium-Ion Battery

Sodium is 500-1000 times more

abundant than lithium.

Lithium availability is limited to few countries.
Charging time Charges faster Slow charging rate 
SafetySafer, as they do not explode or catch fire easilyLess safe, prone to catching fire or exploding
Operation and use Higher operating temperature range and thus can be used in more extreme temperatures Lower operating temperature range and can cause fire if operated in higher temperatures.
ApplicabilityCan be used in small as well as large-scale energy storage applicationsSuitable for portable devices and electric vehicles.


  • Limitations of Sodium Ion Battery
    • Shorter lifespan as compared to Lithium-ion batteries
    • Infant technology and lack of a well-established supply chain
    • Limitations of flexibility into various shapes (e.g. prism, cylinder)
    • Cycle life of 5,000 times, significantly lower than the cycle life of commercial lithium iron phosphate batteries, which is 8,000-10,000 times.
  • Tags :
  • Sodium-Ion Battery
  • Lithium-Ion Battery
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