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Personality in News

Posted 06 May 2024

1 min read

  • Recently, 545th birth anniversary of renowned scholar and saint Sri Vallabhacharya was celebrated. 


  • About Vallabhacharya (1479-1531)
    • Was a Uttaradhi Tailang Brahmin born in Champaranya in Raipur Central Province.
    • He was one of pioneers of Bhakti movement and contemporary of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


  • Key Contributions
    • Established Pushti Marg (the path towards the grace) tradition with Brahmasutra, Srimad Bhagwat, and Geeta as its literature. 
    • Established Shhudhadvaita (pure non-dualism) school of thought based on Vedanta.
    • Important literary works: Anubhashya on Brahma Sutra, Subhodhini Vyakhya of Bhagavat, Siddhanta-Rahsya, Bhagavat Leela Rahasya, Ekanta-Rahsya, Vishnupada, etc.  


  • Values: Selfless Service, Devotion, Social Justice and Equality, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Vallabhacharya
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