World Hydrogen Summit 2024 held in Rotterdam, Netherlands | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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World Hydrogen Summit 2024 held in Rotterdam, Netherlands

Posted 21 May 2024

2 min read

It was organised by Sustainable Energy Council in partnership with Netherlands government.

  • At summit, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy set up Indian pavilion showcasing country’s advancements in green hydrogen technology.

Green Hydrogen (GH2)

  • Defined as hydrogen produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable electricity.
  • Produced using solar or wind-powered photo-catalysis and electro-catalysis of water, etc.
  • Uses
    • Serve as fuel for internal combustion engines.  
    • Blend of H2 and Natural gas can be used to generate heat with lower emissions than using natural gas alone.
    • Used in H2 fuel cells to run vehicles.
  • Bureau of Energy Efficiency has been designated as Nodal Authority responsible for accreditation of agencies for monitoring, verification and certification of processes for GH2 production projects.

Steps taken by India to promote GH2

  • National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM), 2023 to achieve GH2 production capacity of 5 MMT (Million Metric Tonnes) by 2030.
    • Under it, Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition Programme (SIGHT) provides for financial incentive for manufacturing of electrolysers and production of GH2. 
  • Dedicated Portal for NGHM, serve as one-stop location for information on Mission.
  • Department of Science and Technology has initiated Hydrogen Valley Innovation Clusters to foster innovation and promote GH2 ecosystem in India.

About Hydrogen

  • Colourless, odourless, tasteless, flammable gas.
  • Most abundant element in universe and third most abundant on surface of globe.
  • Resembles alkali metals and halogens.

Why India need H2 based fuel?

  • Alternative to fossil fuels and to meet India’s National Energy Security.
  • Reduce emissions intensity to 45% by 2030.
  • Reduce import bill as India is the third largest crude oil importer (80%) and 54% of natural gas is imported. 

Concerns with H2 based fuel

  • Lack of infrastructure for production, transportation, flammability and storage of hydrogen, High cost etc.
  • Tags :
  • Green Hydrogen
  • National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM), 2023
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