F-16 fighter jet controlled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Pilot operated experimentally | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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F-16 fighter jet controlled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Pilot operated experimentally

Posted 21 May 2024

2 min read

The AI-controlled F-16 (Fourth generation fighter jet of the USA) is called Vista.

AI-based technologies in defence can be used for training, surveillance, logistics, cybersecurity, UAV, advanced military weaponry, autonomous combat vehicles, robotics, etc.

Significance of AI in Defence

Challenges of AI in Defence

  • Warfare systems such as weapons, sensors, Uses AI to make operations more efficient and less reliant on human input.
  • Autonomous decision-making reduces the chance of human error.
  • Assist humans to take precise and appropriate warfare decisions.
  • Military robots having AI  can undertake operations saving human lives.
  • Ethical and legal concerns such as the potential for autonomous weapon systems to make life-or-death decisions.
  • It relies on vast amounts of data that  can become a vulnerability in warfare.
  • Proliferation of AI technology, especially in military contexts, raises concerns about its spread to non-state actors and rogue nations.

AI Adoption in the Indian Military

  • In 2019, a Defence AI Project Agency (DAIPA) and a Defence AI Council (DAIC) were established.
  • In 2022, the government published a list of 75 priority projects related to using AI for defence.
  • Defence Research and Development Organisation has dedicated laboratories for application-oriented research in AI such as Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR), Bengaluru.
  • Tags :
  • AI
  • Defence AI Project Agency
  • AI in defence
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