SEBI Releases Consultation Paper for Changes in BRSR Framework | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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SEBI Releases Consultation Paper for Changes in BRSR Framework

Posted 24 May 2024

2 min read

Changes in the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) framework were proposed by S.K. Mohanty committee to facilitate Ease of Doing Business in BRSR framework. 

  • BRSR framework requires top 1000 listed companies to report their ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance in a standardized format, based on the principles of NGRBC.

Key changes proposed 

  • Redefines value chain (VC) partners: The proposed definition will cover only significant partners. 
    • This will reduce compliance burden from smaller VC partners. 
  • More time to implement: For the first year of reporting FY 2024-25, reporting previous year numbers shall be voluntary. 
    • In the current framework, the BRSR is mandatory from FY 2022–23 onwards.
  • Integrates Green Credit Programme (GCP): Green Credits generated by company and its VC partners shall be an additional leadership indicator under BRSR.
    • This aligns with the 2024 MoEFCC notification, allowing Green Credits from tree planting to be reported as an ESG leadership indicator or under corporate social responsibility.
  • Flexibility for BRSR core: Companies should have the option to choose 'assessment' instead of 'assurance' for BRSR Core.
    •  In 2023, SEBI introduced BRSR Core for 'assurance' and ESG disclosures.
      • 'Assurance' follows global/domestic standards that go beyond data verification, adding extra costs.

National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC)

  • In 2019, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs formulated the NGRBC. 
  • Outlines 9 Principles to be followed by Businesses.  
  • Tags :
  • Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting
  • National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC)
  • Green Credit Programme
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