First light for Square Kilometre Array (SKA) prototype telescope | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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First light for Square Kilometre Array (SKA) prototype telescope

Posted 24 May 2024

2 min read

SKAMPI, a prototype telescope of SKA Observatory (SKAO) constructed in South Africa achieved first light, demonstrating its potential. 

  • First light is a new astronomical instrument’s first use that results in an image. 

Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO)

  • It is an intergovernmental organization composed of member states and partners from five continents and is headquartered in United Kingdom
    • 9 Member Countries: Australia, China, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland and UK.
    • Prospective Members (In process): Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, and Sweden. 
  • It aims to build and operate cutting-edge radio telescopes and its two telescopes are currently under construction in Australia’s Murchison Shire and South Africa’s Karoo.
    • These will cover two different frequency ranges and are located in radio quiet zones, protecting them from interference from the ground. 
  • Both SKA telescopes have been designed to work as a single enormous virtual telescope using interferometry
    • Interferometry uses large numbers of smaller antennas connected together by optical fibre networks.
  • Its science goals include exploring evolution of universe, tracking gravitational waves, and studying cosmic magnetism. 

India and SKAO

  • India is in process to become a member of SKAO and is providing funding support of around ₹1250 crores for its construction phase. 
    • This will be jointly funded by Department of Atomic Energy (Lead Agency) and Department of Science and Technology. 
  • India has contributed actively to the pre-construction phase of the SKA telescopes.  
  • India’s participation will open up possibilities for development of niche skills in Indian industry and research organizations in next-generation technologies like modern antenna design, high performance super-computing technologies etc.
  • Tags :
  • SKAO
  • Radio telescope
  • Telescope
  • Intergovernmental Organisation
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