Ministry of Defence (MoD) to acquire Li-Fi technology for Secure and Efficient Data Transmission | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Ministry of Defence (MoD) to acquire Li-Fi technology for Secure and Efficient Data Transmission

Posted 02 Jul 2024

2 min read

MoD funded a start-up under the Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) to secure Li-Fi technology for the Indian Defence sector, particularly focusing on the Navy. 

  • iDEX fosters innovation and technology development in Defence and Aerospace sector. 
    • Managed by Defence Innovation Organization under MoD.
Diagram illustrating the working of Li-Fi technology. It shows data from the internet being sent to a streaming content device, which transmits to an LED lamp. The LED lamp transmits data via light to a photo detector. Then, the data is sent to a device for amplification and processing.

About Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) Technology 

  • A bidirectional wireless system that uses visible light (400-800 Terahertz) for communication, unlike Wi-Fi which uses radio waves.
    •  Transmits data with the help of Light Emitting Diode (LED).
  •  Working: 
    • On/off activity of the LED transmitter enables data transmission in accordance with the incoming binary codes (switching ON is a logical '1', switching it OFF is a logical '0'). 
  • Applications: Aircrafts, hospitals (operation theatres), power plants etc. where electromagnetic (Radio) interference creates security issues. 

Advantage of Li-Fi over Wi-Fi

  • Faster: Combination of low interference, high bandwidths provide high data rate.
  • Cheaper and sustainable: It is up to 10 times cheaper than Wi-Fi, requires fewer components and uses less energy.
  • Secure: Since light does not pass through walls like radio waves do, it prevents interception.


  • Much shorter range than Wi-Fi 
  • Can’t be accessed beyond the illumination range of light, etc. 
  • Tags :
  • Li-Fi
  • Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX)
  • Wi-Fi
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