Navigating New Horizons, A Foresight Report Released by UNEP | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Navigating New Horizons, A Foresight Report Released by UNEP

Posted 16 Jul 2024

2 min read

The report identifies various critical global shifts which are accelerating the triple planetary crisis of pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change.

  • It also highlights that Global Polycrisis, i.e., multiple shocks such as wars, extreme weather, pandemics etc. faced today are interwoven and are a consequence of globalization.

Various shifts, Signals and Potential Disruptions

  • Changing relationship between humans and the environment: Rising AMR, increase in uninhabitable Spaces due to climate change.
  • Scarcity and competition for critical resources is reshaping global security dynamics: E.g. orbital space debris.
  • Waves of innovation in the digital landscape: Internet of Things, AI Adoption.
  • Autonomous and artificial intelligence weapons systems: Amplified risks of biological agents misuse.
  • Mass forced displacement: 1.5% of world’s population is forcibly displaced.
  • Eco-Anxiety: Negative emotional responses related to the threat of environmental and climate crises.


  • ‘A new social contract’ as per UN Secretary General’s report ‘Our Common Agenda’ by engaging diverse stakeholders including women, indigenous and young people.
  • Agile and adaptive governance for a sustainable future  with use of technology and funding.
  • Guiding governance through data and knowledge. 
  • Tags :
  • Triple Planetary Crisis
  • UNEP Foresight Report
  • Global Polycrisis
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