628 tigers died in India between 2019- 2023: National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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628 tigers died in India between 2019- 2023: National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA)

Posted 27 Jul 2024

2 min read

NTCA data reveals that over half (53.2%) of tiger deaths occurred within Tiger Reserves (TRs), while nearly one-third (35.22%) happened outsideboundary of TRs during 2012-2022.

  • Number of tiger deaths in 2023 is highest (178) since 2012.
  • During 2012-2022, Madhya Pradesh (Bandhavgarh TR) reported highest number of Tiger death.

Indian Tiger (Panthera tigris) or Royal Bengal Tiger

  • It is flagship species of India and has been declared as National Animal of India
  • Population: Average number is 3,682 (All India Tiger Estimation -2022).
  • Distribution: Found in throughout India (75% of world’s wild tiger population), Nepal, Bhutan & Bangladesh
    • Madhya Pradesh has maximum number of tigers followed by Karnataka and Uttarakhand.
  • India’s Habitat: Shivalik-Gangetic plains, Central India and Eastern Ghats, Western Ghats, North Eastern Hills & Brahmaputra Flood Plains and Sundarbans.
  • Characteristics: Solitary, mostly nocturnal and territorial animal, and territory of an adult male may encompass territories of two to seven females. 
    • Tiger stripes are individually as unique as human fingerprints.
  • Threats: Habitat and loss of prey species, hunting, poaching, and illegal trade, Conflict with humans etc.
  • Conservation status 
    • Wildlife Protection Act (WPA), 1972: Schedule I. 
    • IUCN Red List: Endangered. 
    • CITES: Appendix I.

Conservation Measures 


  • Project Tiger (1973): Centrally Sponsored Scheme for in-situ conservation of tigers in TRs. 
  • NTCA: Statutory body constituted under WPA, 1972, as amended in 2006 to administer Project Tiger, monitors tiger population. 
  • M-STrIPES: Digital monitoring system for more effective patrolling and data collection.


  • Global Tiger Initiative (2008): World Bank’s initiative to support tiger range countries in conservation efforts.
  • Global Tiger Forum: International intergovernmental body set up for conservation of tigers in wild in range countries.
  • Other:  World Wildlife Fund’s Tigers Alive Initiative, International Tiger Day (July 29th) etc. 
  • Tags :
  • Tiger
  • Project Tiger
  • All India Tiger Estimation -2022
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