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Posted 15 Apr 2024

13 min read


Union Minister of Commerce & Industry attends the ministerial meeting of Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF). 

  • Key highlights 
    • Announced New effort under the Clean Economy pillar:
      • Four new Cooperative Work Programs focusing on carbon markets, clean electricity, employment shifts in the move to clean energy, and sustainable aviation fuels.
      • Details on the IPEF Catalytic Capital Fund: Established in collaboration with Private Investment Development Group for climate infrastructure projects in IPEF economies.
    • Published details text of key agreements 


Highlight of the text

Agreement on IPEF

Establishes two ministerial-level bodies that will meet annually: 

  • IPEF Council: To consider matters affecting the collective operation of the IPEF agreements and Framework including accession of new members; and 
  • Joint Commission:  To monitor the work under Pillars II-IV

Clean Economy Agreement

  • Defines the scope of the agreement
  • Calls for partnership with its Indigenous people to enhance efforts to transition to clean economies. 
  • Recognizes important role of nuclear energy and civil nuclear cooperation in ensuring energy security.

Fair Economy Agreement

  • Defines scope of the agreement
  • Clarifies that this Agreement shall not affect the rights or obligations of a Party under any other agreement including UNCAC (United Nations Convention against Corruption) and UNTOC (United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime). 
  • Calls for International Cooperation for identification, freezing, and confiscation of proceeds of crime derived from offences established as per the UNCAC.


  • Tags :
  • Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity
  • IPEF
  • Indo-Pacific


Cabinet approves Inter-Governmental Framework Agreement (IGFA) with UAE on India-Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC).

  • Aim of the IGFA: To enhance bilateral relations and further strengthen relations between the two countries in the Ports, Maritime, and Logistics sectors.
    • It also includes exploring further potential of future joint investment and collaboration for development of the IMEC.
  • About IMEC
    • It is a proposed transit network that aims at integration of Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
      • It consists of railroad, ship-to-rail networks (road and sea), and road transport routes (and networks)
    • MoU was signed between India, European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and the US at New Delhi G20 summit to establish it.
  • Significance of IMEC
    • Enhancing Prosperity: Through an increased flow of energy and digital communications.
      • The combined GDP of IMEC nations is about 40 percent of the world’s total GDP.
    • It offers an alternative approach to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
    • It will make the global supply chain more resilient.
    • Speed up trade between India and Europe and help India to increase strategic engagement with the Arab world.
  • Challenges:  Complex geopolitics of the region (present Israel-Hamas crisis), lack of commitment regarding the financial cost, etc.
  • Tags :
  • India-Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC)


In 2+2 (Defence and Foreign) Dialogue, both countries explored ways to expand cooperation in energy, critical minerals, technology, and counter-terrorism.

  • 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue is a meeting of Foreign and Defense Ministers from two countries to discuss issues of mutual interest. 
    • India has 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue with US, Australia, Japan etc.
  • India-Brazil Bilateral Relations 
    • Political Relations: Strategic Partners since 2006. 
    • Cooperation in Multilateral Forums: It includes UN, G20, BRICS, IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa) etc. 
      • G4 (Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan), support each other for permanent seats in UNSC. 
      • Part of India led alliance such as International Solar Alliance (ISA). 
      • Also enabling India close cooperation with MERCOSUR (regional trading bloc in South America). 
    • Trade: India is 5th largest trading partner of Brazil (2021). 
    • Space: ISRO launched Brazil’s satellite Amazonia-1 (2021).
    • Security: Joint statement and action plan for enhancing defense and security cooperation were signed (2020). 
    • Cooperation in Bio-fuels: Brazil is the world’s second-largest producer of biofuels. It is also part of Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA), an India-led Initiative. 
  • Mechanism like Trade Monitoring Mechanism, Strategic Dialogue (NSA) etc. are playing key role in enhancing relationship by resolving issues.
  • Tags :
  • India-Brazil


India launched Operation Indravati to evacuate its nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic.

  • As part of the ongoing operation, 12 Indians were evacuated.
  • Haiti has been under a state of emergency after some armed groups attacked the country's largest prison in Port-au-Prince earlier this month.
  • Tags :
  • Haiti
  • Rescue ops


7th GECF Summit concluded with Algiers Declaration, which is related to Natural Gas for a Secure and Sustainable Future. 

  • About GECF
    • GECF, an intergovernmental organisation, seeks to build a mechanism for a meaningful dialogue between gas producers and consumers to improve the stability and security of supply and demand in gas markets around the world.
    • Vision: To make natural gas a pivotal resource for inclusive and sustainable development.
    • Members:
      • Full-fledged Members: Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, UAE and Venezuela. India is not a member.
      • Observer Status: Angola, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mozambique, Peru and Senegal.
    • Together, they represent 69% of the world’s gas reserves, 39% of the marketed production, and 40% of global gas exports.
    • GECF member countries collectively account for more than half of world LNG exports (51%).
  • Tags :
  • Gas Exporting Countries Forum


African Union established Africa Club [also known as Alliance of African Multilateral Financial Institutions (AAMFI)] at its 37th Summit.

  • About Africa Club
    • Coalition of African Multilateral Financial Institutions (AMFIs) to address shortcomings in global and continental financial architecture.
    • Seeks to introduce innovative financial instruments and provide a venue for debt management discussions.
    • Core membership: African Export Import Bank, Trade and Development Bank, Africa Finance Corporation, African Reinsurance Corporation, etc.
    • Membership will be open to all African Multilateral Financial Institutions.
  • Tags :
  • Africa Club
  • multilateralism


Prime Minister addressed the third edition of Summit for Democracy. 

  • Summit for Democracy
    • Genesis: Launched by the US in 2021, the summit has emerged as an important platform where democracies share experiences and learn from each other.
    • Aim: To strengthen democratic institutions, protect human rights, and accelerate the fight against corruption globally. 
    • Presidential Initiative for Democratic Renewal: It was launched in the 1st summit and supports initiatives for advancing technology for democracy, defending free and fair elections, independent media, etc.
    • US also provides financial aid to this initiative.
  • Tags :
  • Summit for Democracy
  • democracy


China has delineated the baseline in the Gulf of Tonkin, known in Chinese as Beibu Gulf

  • Baselines, under UNCLOS 1982, are used to determine limits to territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zones.
  • Gulf of Tonkin is located off the coast of Northern Vietnam and Southern China.
    • Until now both countries have maintained friendlier relations in this Gulf despite their overlapping claims in South China Sea. 
    • The Red River (which flows across China and Vietnam) empties into this gulf.
  • Tags :
  • Gulf of Tonkin
  • China
  • tonkin


Darien Gap has emerged as one of the world’s most dangerous and fastest-growing border crossings for illegal immigration.

  • This route is taken when people migrate from South America to North America.
  • About Darien Gap
    • Connects northern Colombia and southern Panama
    • Part of the Isthmus of Panama.
      • Isthmus is a narrow piece of land, with water on each side, that joins two larger pieces of land.
    • It is a hot, humid area marked by tropical rainforests, mangrove swamps, and low mountain ranges with cloud forest vegetation (tropical mountainous regions).
  • Tags :
  • Darien Gap
  • illegal migration


  • US envoy to Lebanon emphasised situation along the blue line has to change to guarantee peace and security.
  • About Blue line:
    • Israel and Lebanon have no official border separating them, except the Blue Line.
    • It was set by the United Nations in 2000.  It is made of blue barrels and runs from the Mediterranean to the Golan Heights to the east.
    • Its purpose was to confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the south of Lebanon.

Note: Blue Line is also a learning ecosystem created by the UN System Staff College. 


  • Tags :
  • West Asia
  • Israel-Lebanon Border
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