President Highlights Rising Global Interest in Heritage Tourism in India | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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President Highlights Rising Global Interest in Heritage Tourism in India

Posted 01 Feb 2024

Updated 16 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Heritage Tourism is a tool of economic development. It fuels growth by drawing visitors who are interested in the historical, artistic, or cultural aspects of a place.


  • Reasons for the Growth of India’s Heritage Tourism
    • India’s Rich and Diverse Cultural Heritage: Heritage assets reflect the influence of different religions, dynasties, regions, and communities that have shaped India’s identity and culture.
    • A Strong Global Presence and Influence: India’s diaspora, which is one of the largest and most influential in the world, has also played a role in spreading awareness.
    • Supportive Policies: Government has launched schemes such as Incredible India, Swadesh Darshan, PRASAD, and Adopt a Heritage.
    • Large Number of World Heritage Sites: 42 World Heritage sites in India, out of which 34 are cultural sites, 7 are natural sites and one is mixed site.


  • Significance of Heritage Tourism
    • Preserving and promoting cultural heritage, generating income and employment, enhancing India’s image and reputation, and fostering cross-cultural understanding and exchange.


  • Challenges
    • Encroachments around heritage monuments, issue in funding for conservation, and balancing the needs and interests of various stakeholders etc. 
  • Tags :
  • Tourism
  • Heritage Tourism
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