US approved sale of 31 Predator drone sales to India | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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US approved sale of 31 Predator drone sales to India

Posted 02 Feb 2024

Updated 18 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • US Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified US Congress for possible military sale of MQ-9B SkyGuardian drones and related equipment to the Government of India.


  • Drones are powered aerial vehicles that can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely and can carry a lethal or nonlethal payload(s).


  • About MQ-9B SkyGuardian drones
    • Designed to fly over the horizon via satellite for over 30 hours.
    • Safely integrate into civil airspace, enabling joint forces and civil authorities to deliver real-time situational awareness.
    • Integrates advanced maritime intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities
    • Enables real-time search and patrol above and below the ocean's surface.


  • Significance of Drone technology in defense 
    • Strategic: Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) through real-time visuals and data to aid decision-making.
      • Reduced risk to personnel, cost-effective as compared to conventional manned aircraft, etc.
    • Tactical: Precision strikes with minimal collateral damage, improved coordination and logistics in challenging terrain, etc.


  • Challenges associated with drones: Complex airspace management framework in India, impact of adverse weather conditions like strong winds, potential misuse to breach privacy and safety, etc.

Drone Technology for Defense in India

  • LAKSHYA and NISHANT: Unmanned Aerial Systems developed by DRDO.
  • Black Kite, Golden Hawk, and Pushpak: Micro & Mini UAVs developed by DRDO.
  • DRDO NETRA: Light-weight, autonomous UAV for surveillance and reconnaissance operations.
  • DRDO Rustom: Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV developed for Armed forces.
  • Counter-drone system: Developed by DRDO.
  • Tags :
  • defence
  • Defence
  • Security
  • Drone technology
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