Citizen Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting and Management System (CFCFRMS) registered around 1.1 million financial cyber fraud cases in 2023 | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Citizen Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting and Management System (CFCFRMS) registered around 1.1 million financial cyber fraud cases in 2023

Posted 08 Feb 2024

Updated 16 Mar 2024

2 min read


  • CFCFRMS has been setup under the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) for immediate reporting of financial frauds and to stop siphoning off funds by the fraudsters.
    • I4C has been established by Ministry of Home Affairs to provide an ecosystem for Law Enforcement Agencies for dealing with Cybercrime and act as a nodal point.
  • Financial Cyber Frauds are intentional and illegal act of deception to deprive someone of their money using the digital means.
    • These involve debit/credit card frauds, internet banking and UPI related frauds, and ransomware attacks etc. 


  • Reasons for rise in cyber financial frauds:
    • Increase in adoption of digital payments combined with lack of financial literacy.
    • Mushrooming of fraudulent apps with ability to capture financial data. 
    • Use of Dark Patterns (interfaces to trick users into desired behaviour such as availing instant loans) for luring vulnerable consumers. 
    • Low regulatory compliance level by the banking sectors


  • Way forward
    • Bringing all financial institutions on CFCFRMS
    • Whitelisting of digital lending apps 
    • Setting up of Digital India Trust Agency (DIGITA)
    • Bringing new legislation – Banning of Unregulated Lending Activities (BULA) Act
    • Building new safeguards for digital financial transactions   


India’s Initiatives to curb financial cyber frauds

  • National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal and Toll-free Helpline Number ‘1930’
  • CSIRT-Fin (Computer Security Incident Response Team-Finance Sector) under CERT-IN
  • Advisories and regulations by RBI for cyber security in banking sector
  • Restrictions on cloning of phone SIM cards 
  • Tags :
  • Cyber Security
  • cyber financial fraud
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