Parliamentary Standing Committee Report on “Review of the working of Legal aid under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987” | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Parliamentary Standing Committee Report on “Review of the working of Legal aid under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987”

Posted 09 Feb 2024

Updated 16 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Legal Services Authorities (LSA) Act 1987 aims to establish a nationwide network for providing free and competent legal services to society’s weaker sections.
    • It gives effect to Article 39A (free legal aid to poor and weaker sections of society).
    • It constitutes National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) as apex organization, which frames and monitors legal aid policies and activities. 
    • It also provides for Supreme Court Legal Service Committee (LSC) in Supreme Court, State LSAs in every state, High Court LSCs in every high court, and District LSAs in districts. 
    • Activities of LSAs include legal aid and advice, implementing alternative dispute resolution mechanism (Lok Adalat and Mediation), and implement victim compensation schemes.


Identified Issues with LSAA

Recommendations of the committee

Lack of awareness and legal educationExtensive mass media campaign for legal education. 
Static grants-in-aid to NALSA and decline in allocated fundsSubstantial increase in grant-in-aid to NALSA. 
Reluctance of lawyers to provide pro bono servicesNALSA should compensate lawyers adequately and monitor efficacy and accountability of legal aid services. 
Challenges in Lok Adalats due to limited powers, lack of proper procedure and inadequate infrastructureStrengthen Lok Adalats with adequate powers, proper procedure, infrastructure, staff and modern technology. 
Underutilization of Para-Legal Volunteers (PLVs assists LSAs and Lok Adalats)Capacity building of PLVs along with adequate compensation and support.
  • Tags :
  • Parliamentary Standing Committee
  • Legal Services Authorities Act
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