Scientists develop world’s first 3D-printed brain tissue that functions like human brain | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Scientists develop world’s first 3D-printed brain tissue that functions like human brain

Posted 10 Feb 2024

Updated 16 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • This will aid research programmes for scientists specially focused on treatments of neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
    • This could also help to understand how brain cells and parts of the brain communicate in humans.
  • 3D-printing or additive manufacturing uses computer-aided designing to make prototypes or working models of objects by laying down successive layers of materials like plastic, resin, thermoplastic, metal, fiber or ceramic.
    • In 2020, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology released “National Strategy for Additive Manufacturing” to tap its potential.


  • Benefits of 3D Printing
    • Enables quick and cost-effective prototyping, allowing designers to iterate designs swiftly, reducing time-to-market for new products.
    • Create complex designs that would be challenging to achieve otherwise.
    • More efficient as it uses only materials necessary for object being printed, thus minimizing waste.
    • Reduces need for large inventories and streamlines supply chain by producing parts as needed.


  • Applications of 3D Printing
    • Construction: India’s first 3D-printed post office was created in Bengaluru.
    • First pedestrian bridge was 3D printed in Spain using micro-reinforced concrete.
    • Medical and Dental: Creating patterns for casting metal dental crowns and manufacturing tools for creating dental aligners.
  • Tags :
  • 3D-printed Brain Tissue
  • 3D Printing
  • Additive Manufacturing
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