Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 21 Feb 2024

Updated 21 Mar 2024

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Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA)

  • IREDA has indicated plans for establishing a subsidiary to cater to retail projects, e.g.  Rooftop Solar, PM-KUSUM, Electric Vehicles, and other Business-to-Consumer (B2C) segments.


  • About IREDA
    • Mini Ratna (Category – I) Public Limited Government Company established as a Non-Banking Financial Institution in 1987.
    • Under the administrative control of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).
    • Engaged in promoting, developing and extending financial assistance for setting up projects relating to new and renewable energy sources and energy efficiency/conservation.
    • Motto: “Energy for Ever.”
    • Registered and Corporate office: New Delhi
  • Tags :
  • Mini Ratna

Henley Passport Index (HPI)

  • India slipped to 85th position in the recently released Henley Passport Index for 2024.


  • About HPI
    • Released by Henley & Partners.
    • Ranks according to number of destinations holders of a passport can access without a prior visa.
    • Based on data from International Air Transport Association (IATA).
    • Compares visa-free access of 199 different passports to 227 travel destinations.
    • 6 countries – France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain – are ranked 1st in 2024.
  • Tags :
  • Passport
  • Henley Passport Index

IBSA facility for poverty and hunger alleviation (IBSA Fund)

  • India has contributed $ 1 Mn to the IBSA Fund.


  • About the IBSA Fund
    • It was jointly established by India, Brazil and South Africa in 2004 and became operational in 2006.
    • Fund-supports projects in Global south to achieve their national priorities, as well as all other internationally agreed development goals.


  • About IBSA
    • Forum comprises India, Brazil and South Africa.
    • Formalised and named the IBSA Dialogue Forum in 2003.
  • Tags :
  • IBSA Fund
  • IBSA
  • Global south

Blended Finance

  • State Government of Goa and Power Finance Corporation signed an MoU to support state’s climate ambitions through sub-national Blended Finance Facility (BFF).
    • BFF will be utilized to fund key climate projects such as green hydrogen, waste-to-wealth technology, nature-based solutions, etc.
  • Blended finance is the strategic use of development finance for mobilisation of additional finance towards sustainable development.
    • It uses concessional finance (i.e. a subsidy) to reduce perceived risk of an investment.
    • Seen as a tool to leverage additional private investment.
  • Tags :
  • Blended Finance
  • Private investment

Green Anaconda

  • Researchers found that green anacondas are actually two genetically distinct species.


  • About Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus)
    • A member of the boa family (Non-venomous snake).
    • It is the heaviest snake in the world, weighing more than 550 pounds.
    • Females are significantly larger than males.
    • IUCN status: Least Concern.
    • Habitat: live in swamps, marshes, and slow-moving streams, mainly in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon and Orinoco basins.
    • Lifespan: in the wild is about 10 years.
  • Tags :
  • Green Anaconda
  • Orinoco basin
  • Boa

Human - Animal conflict

  • Kerala has allocated Rs.13 Crore to address the issue of man-animal conflict in the Wayanad District.


  • Man-Animal Conflict in India
    • Earlier the Ministry of Environment had released 14 specific guidelines for mitigating the conflict.
    • The conflict is normally dealt through coordinated interdepartmental action, identification of conflict hot spots,  establishment of rapid response teams etc.
    • An ex-gratia payment in case of Human-Wildlife conflict is offered to the tune of Rs. 10 Lakhs in case of deaths and Rs. 2 Lakhs in case of grievous injury.
  • Tags :
  • Man-Animal Conflict
  • Kerala

X-Ray Binary Stars

  • An international team of scientists studied a transient X-ray binary system named MAXI J1820+070, using AstroSat’s full multi-wavelength capabilities.


  • About X-ray Binary Stars
    • Special class of binary stars which emit X-rays.
      • Binary star systems contain two stars that orbit around their common centre of mass.
    • Made up of a normal star and a collapsed star (a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole).
  • AstroSat is first dedicated Indian astronomy mission to study celestial sources in X-ray, optical and UV spectral bands simultaneously.
  • Tags :
  • X-Ray Binary Stars
  • AstroSat
  • MAXI J1820+070

Shivneri Fort

  • Maharashtra Chief Minister paid tribute to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on his birth anniversary at Shivneri Fort.


  • About Shivneri Fort
    • In 1595, King Bahadur Nizam II conferred the fort to Maloji Bhonsale.
    • 17th-century military fortification located in Pune (Maharashtra).
    • Birthplace of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
    • One of the 12 component parts of “Maratha Military Landscapes of India” nominations for recognition as UNESCO World Heritage List for 2024-25.


  • Other important Maratha forts: Raigad, Rajgad, Lohagad, Sindhudurg, Torna, Devgad, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Shivneri Fort
  • UNESCO World Heritage
  • Chhatrapati Shivaji

Places in News

Zambia (Capital: Lusaka)


  • India has sent medical assistance to Cholera hit Zambia.


  • Political Features
    • Land-locked country in South Central Africa.
    • Bordered by Tanzania (North), Malawi (East), Mozambique (South-East), Zimbabwe (South), Botswana and Namibia (South-West), Angola (West) and Democratic Republic of Congo (North-West). 


  • Geographical Features
    • Topography is mostly high plateau with some hills and mountains.
    • Vegetation is mostly savannah, with areas of tropical grassland and woodland.
    • Major Rivers: Zambezi, Kafue, Luangwa, etc.
    • Lakes: Lake Tanganyika, etc.
    • Highest Point: Mafinga Hills.
  • Tags :
  • Zambia
  • Lusaka
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