Political parties and Income tax | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 27 Feb 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

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Political parties and Income tax

  • Recently Income-Tax department has raised a demand of ₹210 crore in penalty from a national level political party for discrepancy and delay in filing the returns.
  • Section 13A of the IT Act, 1961, exempts political parties (registered by Election Commission under Representation of the People Act, 1951) from paying income tax. 
    • For exemption parties must fulfil, some conditions including maintaining books of account and other documents, their accounts are audited as per the law, etc. 
  • However, under Section 139 (4B) of the IT Act, Political parties are required to file their Income tax returns if: 
    • their total income (before exemptions under Section 13A) is higher than the tax exemption threshold.
  • Tags :
  • Political parties
  • Section 13A of the IT Act, 1961

2024 Amendment to IT Rules, 2009

  • Exercising power under the Information Technology (IT) Act (2000), the Central Government Amended the IT (Procedure and Safeguards for Interception, Monitoring and Decryption of Information) Rules, 2009. 
    • Its Rule 23 mandated every record, including electronic records of interception, monitoring or decryption of information to be destroyed every six months except in a case where such information is required, or likely to be required. 
      • So far, only security agencies had such power of destruction.
      • The 2024 Amendment also bestows this power to “competent authority (i.e., Union Home Secretary or Secretary in charge of Home Deptt. for States/UTs)’’ in addition to the security agency”.
  • Tags :
  • Information Technology (IT) Act
  • IT Rules, 2009

Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)

  • Mauritius Government has decided to amend the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with India to comply with the BEPS minimum standards of the OECD. 
    • DTAA is a tax treaty signed between two countries for the elimination of double taxation.
  • BEPS refers to tax planning used by multinational enterprises that exploit gaps and mismatches in tax rules to avoid paying tax
    • OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS provides 15 Actions that equip governments with the domestic and international instruments needed to tackle tax avoidance.
  • Tags :
  • Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
  • the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA)

Homosep Atom

  • India's first septic tank/manhole cleaning robot known as Homosep atom developed by the startup Solinas reached 16 cities.
    • Solinas was incubated in the Department of Science and Technology (DST)-Technology Business Incubator (TBI) of IIT Madras.


  • About Homosep Atom
    • Robotic solution integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) to inspect, clean, and manage confined space for sanitation purposes.
    • Features: Extensive blade cleanings, solid waste desilting, suction, and storage at one device.
    • Offers end-to-end solutions to eliminate manual scavenging.
  • Tags :
  • Homosep Atom
  • Tank/manhole cleaning robot


  • Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI)  and IIT Madras researchers have developed:
    • India-specific model to determine the age of a foetus in a pregnant woman in the second and third trimesters precisely known as Garbhini-GA2.
  • Garbhini-GA2 is a part of the Interdisciplinary Group for Advanced Research on Birth Outcomes –Department of Biotechnology (DBT)  India Initiative (GARBH-Ini) program.


  • About (GARBH-Ini) program
    • It is a cohort study of pregnant women initiated in  2015.
    • Objectives: to identify clinical, epidemiologic, genomic, and generate a risk-prediction algorithm for preterm birth.
  • Tags :
  • Garbhini-GA2
  • GARBH-Ini

Investor Information and Analytics Platform(IIAP)

  • Union Minister of State for Electronics and IT launched IIAP developed by IIT Madras.


  • About IIAP:
    • It will act as a one-stop shop for startups to seamlessly access Venture Capitalists (VCs) and investor networks, Govt schemes, etc.
    • Entrepreneurs can search for information on government agencies, incubators, investors, VCs, etc.
    • An important feature of the platform is “StartupGPT” which is an AI-based conversational platform.
    • It will ease information access for those who are navigating exhaustive data.
  • Tags :
  • Startups
  • StartupGPT

Operation AMRITH (Antimicrobial Resistance Intervention for Total Health)

  • Kerala initiated Operation AMRITH, a program enforcing H1 rule, mandating a doctor’s prescription for acquiring any class of antibiotics.
  • About H1 rule: The Drugs and Cosmetic Rule, 1945 was amended in 2013 to incorporate a new Schedule H1.
  • The Drugs falling under Schedule H1 are required to be sold in the country with the following conditions:-
    • The supply of a drug shall be recorded in a separate register.
    • They shall be labeled with the symbol Rx which shall be in red and conspicuously displayed on the left top corner of the label.
  • Tags :
  • Operation AMRITH
  • H1 rule

Chromosomal disorder in ancient individuals

  • Researchers have reported Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome from prehistoric skeletal remains, dating up to approximately 5,500 years old. 
  • Both are trisomy disorders wherein individuals have an extra copy of the chromosome. 
    • Edwards syndrome: An extra copy of chromosome 18 is present in the individual. 
      • Most babies with Edwards' syndrome will die before or shortly after being born.
    • Down syndromeAn extra copy of one of chromosome 21 is present. 
      • Kids with down syndrome usually have an IQ in the mildly-to-moderately low range and are slower to speak than other children.
  • Tags :
  • Chromosomal disorder
  • Edwards syndrome
  • Down syndrome

Places in News

Hungary (Capital: Budapest)

  • Hungary’s parliament approved Sweden’s NATO accession.


  • Political Features
    • Landlocked country in central Europe.
    • Shares border with Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Austria.


  • Geographical features
    • Relief is dominated by great lowland expanses including Little Alfold (Little Hungarian Plain) in Northwest and Great Alfold from southwest to northeast
    • Highest Peak: Mount Kékes
    • Major Rivers: Danube, Tisza, etc.
    • Lakes: Lake Balaton, Neusiedler Lake etc.
    • Climate: Moderately dry continental climate


  • Tags :
  • Hungary
  • Little Alfold
  • Mount Kékes
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