United Nation (UN) allocates $100 million from Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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United Nation (UN) allocates $100 million from Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)

Posted 29 Feb 2024

2 min read

  • Allocated fund will support underfunded aid operations in seven countries in Africa, the Middle East and the Latin America.
  • Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) was established by the UN General Assembly in 2005 as the UN global emergency response fund.
    • Enables humanitarian actors to deliver life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable people, when and where needed the most.
    • Emergency Relief Coordinator manages CERF on behalf of the UN Secretary-General
    • Releases resources for underfunded emergencies twice a year.
    • It also serves as a strategic instrument for addressing critical funding gaps in underfunded humanitarian emergencies.
  • Critical funding gaps for humanitarian emergency projects is widening, for instance UN-coordinated appeals have met only 60% of their funding requirements over the past decade (2010-20) (OXFAM, 2023).


  • Reasons behind funding gap:
    • Increased global conflicts: E.g. Syrian Conflict 
    • Rise in climate induced natural disasters: Drought in Horn of Africa 
    • Poly-crisis phenomenon: At a sub-national, national and systemic level risks are compounding exacerbating the frequency and severity of crisis.
    • Other: Donor fatigue, geopolitical dynamics, etc. 


  • Measures Required: 
    • Improving funding through localised and flexible funding mechanisms.
    • Deepening and broadening the funding base by developing new funding tools. 
    • Coordination between climate and humanitarian finance
  • Tags :
  • Central Emergency Response Fund
  • UN global emergency response fund
  • humanitarian emergency projects
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