Indian expatriate could become the first Indian space tourist | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Indian expatriate could become the first Indian space tourist

Posted 13 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • Blue Origin's (American Space startup) NS-25 mission will take six passengers to space tourism this month.
    • Space tourism refers to traveling into space for recreational purposes. 
  • Types of Space tourism
    • Suborbital space flights (altitude of 100 km referred as Karman Line)
    • Orbital Space Flights (altitudes over 400 kilometers) and 
    • Lunar space tourism (full trips to moon).


  • According to estimates, global space tourism market size is expected to grow at compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 44.8% from 2024 to 2030. 
  • Factors Responsible for Growth: 
    • Advancements in Technology: Reusable rockets, improved spacecraft.
    • Public Interest and Awareness: Media coverage, documentaries.
    • Diverse Offerings: space hotels, leisure time in space.
    • Reduced Costs, economies of scale.
    • Innovative Business Models: Partnerships, crowdfunding.
    • Government Support: Incentives, regulatory frameworks.
  • Concerns: Space debris pollutes Earth's atmosphere, ethical consideration- affordable by rich only, regulatory issues such as who’s liable in case of accident, health issues due to microgravity effects, radiation exposure etc.  
  • Existing Legal FrameworkOuter Space Treaty (1967), Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects etc. 
  • Way Forward: Promoting inclusive and green space tourism, developing comprehensive regulatory framework etc.
  • Tags :
  • Space Tourism
  • Karman Line
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