Indian Institute of Science (IISc) designed novel hydrogel to remove Microplastics from water | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Indian Institute of Science (IISc) designed novel hydrogel to remove Microplastics from water

Posted 13 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • Hydrogel has a unique intertwined polymer network that can bind the microplastic and degrade them using Ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation.
    • It consists of three different polymer layers chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol and polyaniline.
    • These polymers are combined with the nanoclusters [copper substitute polyoxometalate (Cu-POM)].
      • Nanoclusters act as a catalyst that can use UV light for degradation.
    • It showed high efficiency during research


  • About Microplastics
    • Small plastic fragments typically less than 5 millimeters long.
    • Categories of microplastics
      • Primary: Tiny particles designed for commercial use (for e.g., microbeads in cosmetics, toothpaste etc.), microfibers shed from clothing and other textiles, such as fishing nets.
      • Secondary: These are particles that result from the breakdown of larger plastic items, such as water bottles. This breakdown is caused by exposure to environmental factors, mainly the sun’s radiation and ocean waves.


  • Impacts 
    • Environment: Can be mistakenly consumed by marine organisms (toxic for them) and will disturb whole food chain.
      • It has reached to the remote areas like Antarctica. 
    • Human Health: Gastrointestinal issues, Endocrine disruption, Respiratory problems, allergy etc.


Initiative Taken

  • Global 
    • Global Partnership on Plastic Pollution and  Marine Litter(GPML), launched at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) Summit, 2012
    • International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), adopted by International Maritime Organization in 1973
  • India
    • Single-use plastics ban with effect from 2022. 
    • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for plastic under Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
    • Un-Plastic Collective, co-founded by the Confederation of Indian Industry (ClI), UNEP and WWF-India
  • Tags :
  • Microplastic
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