Report on International Forest Governance (IFG) Released | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Report on International Forest Governance (IFG) Released

Posted 11 May 2024

2 min read

International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), a non-profit organisation has released report titled International Forest Governance: A Critical Review of Trends, Drawbacks, and New Approaches

  •  It is the first global synthesis report on IFG (refer to box) since 2010, summarises the most significant developments on IFG after 2010.
  • Report has been released in the backdrop of the 19th session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF19). 

Key Concerns related to IFG

  • IFG has had limited success in reducing deforestation. 
    • Rate of deforestation is about 10 million hectares per year as of 2020 (Food and Agriculture Organization).
  • It is more crowded and fragmented than ever due to the proliferation of new actors and instruments.
  • Increasing urgency of the climate crisis has influenced the commodification of forests for their carbon sequestration potential. 
    • This has led to the rise of new markets for carbon and biodiversity that often focus on short-term economic gains over long-term sustainability and justice.
    • Phenomenon is also referred to as climatisation of forests. 
  • Role of Community-led and philanthropic financing mechanisms is limited


  • Setting prices on environmental and social externalities, recognition and management of public goods, and establishing alternative funding schemes. 
  • Adopting a Polycentric governance approach in an interdependent system.


About IFG 

  • IFG comprised of the policy, legal and institutional frameworks for international decision-making on forests. Its stakeholders include-
    • Key Institutions: UNFF, a functional commission of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) with universal membership.
      • Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) was formed to support the work of UNFF.
    • Forest-related international conventions: Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), etc.
    • Regional Agreements: Amazon Cooperation Treaty
  • Tags :
  • IFG
  • International Union of Forest Research Organizations
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