Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) released 17 Dietary Guidelines for Indians (DGIs) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) released 17 Dietary Guidelines for Indians (DGIs)

Posted 11 May 2024

2 min read

DGIs focus on a food-based approach for attaining optimal nutrition and represent the recommended amounts of nutrients that should be consumed through food to ensure a balanced diet.

  • A balanced diet should provide not more than 45% calories from cereals, and millets and up to 15% of calories from pulses, beans and meat and the rest from nuts, vegetables, fruits, and milk.

Need for DGIs

  • Dual burden of malnutrition: Significant proportion of children suffers from impaired nutritional status creating dual burden of undernutrition and overweight/ obesity.
  • Disease burden: Estimates show that 56.4% of the total disease burden in India is due to unhealthy diets.
  •  Changing Dietary preferences: Owing to aggressive advertising and marketing of unhealthy, highly processed, high-fat, sugar, and salt (HFSS) which can contribute to long-term health issues, including an increase in non-communicable diseases.

Key highlights of the DGIs

  • Choose variety of oil seeds, nuts, nutricereals, and legumes to meet daily needs of fats and essential fatty acids.
  • Read information on food labels to make informed and healthy food choices.
  • Minimize the consumption of HFSS and ultra-processed foods (UPFs).
  • Along with balanced diet, be physically active and exercise regularly to keep one physically and mentally fit and promote good health.

Initiatives for Nutritional Security in India

  • Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, 1975.
  • Food Safety and Standards (Packaging AND Labelling) Regulations, 2011 by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.
  • Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN) under the National Food Security Act, 2013.
  • ‘My Plate for the Day’ initiative by National Institution of Nutrition to provide dietary diversity.
  • Tags :
  • Dietary Guidelines for Indians
  • ICMR
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