UNGA passes a Resolution calling Security Council (SC) to admit Palestine as member of UN | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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UNGA passes a Resolution calling Security Council (SC) to admit Palestine as member of UN

Posted 11 May 2024

2 min read

The Resolution does not give Palestinians full membership, but recognises it as qualified to join UN.

  • India voted in favour of the resolution.

Process for admission of New Members to the UN

  • State accepts Charter commitments by submitting an application to Secretary-General.
  • UNSC requiring affirmative votes from 9 out of 15 members and no vetoes by 5 permanent members (China, France, Russia, UK, and the US).
  • If the SC recommends, then UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) two-thirds majority vote is required for admission of new state.
  • Membership becomes effective upon adoption of the resolution.

India-Palestine relations

  • India was the first non-Arab State to recognise the Palestine Liberation Organisation as the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in 1974. 
  • India was also one of the first countries to recognise the State of Palestine in 1988.
  • India and Palestine relations are influenced by India’s relations with Israel. 
    • In the 2nd decade of 21st century, India began de-hyphenation foreign policy (refer to box) while dealing with both the countries. 

De-hyphenation foreign policy 

  • De-hyphenation means dealing with two countries, having adversarial relationship between them, in an independent manner. 
  • This would mean building relationship with one, ignoring the complexities of its relations with the other.
  • India’s de-hyphenation has allowed it to leverage and capitalise on its position in areas such as defence, energy security and trade.
  • Tags :
  • India and Palestine
  • De-hyphenation foreign policy
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