National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) issued advisory aiming at eliminating the need for begging | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) issued advisory aiming at eliminating the need for begging

Posted 10 Jul 2024

2 min read

The ‘Advisory for the Protection and Rehabilitation of Impoverished, Uneducated Children, Women, and Differently-abled Individuals Engaged in Begging’ identifies eight key areas for action by Centre and State governments and UT administrations. 

  • As per the 2011 census, there were more than 413 thousand beggars and vagrants in India. 

Key Action Areas

  • Survey, identification, Mapping and preparing Data Bank for building a national database.
  • Rehabilitation of individuals engaged in beggary through Shelter homes, education, and necessary assistance. 
  • Healthcare: Mental health care, de-addiction and healthcare services in shelter homes.
  • Education: Early childhood care (Article 45) and Free and compulsory education (Article 21A).
  • Drafting a National Policy for the protection and rehabilitation of individuals involved in beggary and decriminalising begging.
  • Collaboration with NGOs, civil society organisations, private sector, charitable trusts for skill training programmes.
  • Access to financial services through Self-help Groups (SHGs).
  • Awareness generation, sensitization and monitoring.

Issues associated with Beggary

  • Beggary is a socio-economic issue caused by poverty, lack of education, and limited employment opportunities. 
  • As a result of societal neglect, physically challenged individuals have to depend on others for survival and daily sustenance.
  • Systemic deficiencies and structural inequalities perpetuate poverty.
  • Organized groups often manipulate vulnerable children into begging. 

Constitutional Provisions

  • Preamble postulates 'Justice - social, economic and political', and 'Fraternity, assuring the dignity of the individual’.
  • Article 23: State should strive to prohibit all forms of human trafficking, beggary and forced labour.

Government Initiatives

  • Bombay Prevention of Begging Act, 1959
  • Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
  • SMILE is a Central Sector Scheme designed for the comprehensive rehabilitation of individuals engaged in begging.
  • Tags :
  • Poverty
  • Article 23
  • Begging
  • Rehabilitation of Beggars
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