Taliban’s participation in the UN-led conference in Doha | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Taliban’s participation in the UN-led conference in Doha

Posted 15 Jul 2024

2 min read

India is one of 25 countries participating in this third conference, which aims to find ways to improve the lives of Afghan people under Taliban rule.

  • It will supplement previous efforts such as Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan, Moscow Format consultations, etc.

Conference allowed the Taliban to position themselves as the sole representative of Afghanistan.

  • Taliban returned to power in 2021 after waging an insurgency against the U.S.-backed government since 2001.

Peaceful and Stable Afghanistan is significant for Region as well as for India:

  • Regional connectivity: Afghanistan is considered as a gateway to Central Asian Region.
  • Security: Reduced insurgency and cross-border terrorism can lead to a more secure environment for India's northern and western borders.
    • Unstable Afghanistan may become safe shelter for terrorists.
  • Energy and resources: Stability in Afghanistan could pave the way for the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India (TAPI) pipeline.
  • Curbing Drug trafficking: Stable government in Afghanistan can better tackle drug trafficking.
    • Afghanistan is part of the Death Crescent along with Pakistan and Iran. 
    • States like Punjab are highly affected by it. 

India - Afghan relations Post-Taliban Take-over

  • India has not officially recognized Taliban, however, it is helping Afghans through different means: 
    • Humanitarian Aid: Supplied several shipments of humanitarian assistance consisting of wheat, medical aid and earthquake relief aid.
    • Education:  Continued its Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) scholarship scheme for Afghan students.
  • Trade and commerce between both countries is ongoing, including through the Chabahar port.
  • India’s technical team in Kabul is monitoring the status and functioning of projects built by it. 
  • Tags :
  • Afghanistan
  • India-Afghanistan
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