Maharashtra Special Public Security Bill, 2024 proposed to curb 'Urban Naxalism’ | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Maharashtra Special Public Security Bill, 2024 proposed to curb 'Urban Naxalism’

Posted 15 Jul 2024

2 min read

Key Provisions

  • Bill targets a wide range of actions by suspects including encouraging or preaching disobedience of the law. 
  • Allows declaring organizations unlawful and gives power to District Magistrates or police commissioners to grant permission for prosecution.
    • An organization can also be declared as unlawful under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, 1967 (UAPA). 
    • However, prosecution under UAPA requires Central or State approval. 

Urban Naxalism

  • Naxalism refers to Left-wing extremism or Maoism which seeks to overthrow the State through violent means. 
    • In India, it originated from the 1967 uprising in Naxalbari (West Bengal). 
  • There is no standard definition of urban Naxalism. It generally refers to efforts to enlarge the presence of Naxalism in urban areas. 
    • Unlike rural Naxalism, urban Naxalism is not centered around the use of violence against the State. 
      • Urban naxals may act as recruiters, propagandists, and sources of funds for naxals and can provide logistics and safe refuge to armed Naxal cadres. 
    • Also, public support for urban Naxalism is insignificant as compared to rural naxalism.
      • This is primarily because urban areas have better education, infrastructure, and the State’s reach. 
  • Tags :
  • Left-wing Extremism
  • UAPA
  • Urban Naxalism
  • LWE
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