Telangana Government announced Crop Loan Waiver upto Rs. 1 lakh | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Telangana Government announced Crop Loan Waiver upto Rs. 1 lakh

Posted 19 Jul 2024

2 min read

Government instructed bankers to prevent diversion of crop loan waiver funds, warning of action against those depositing released fund in other accounts of farmers.

About Farm Loan Waiver

  • Farm loans are either crop loans or investment loans taken from banks to buy inputs or agricultural equipment.
  • Centre/State government can offer a waiver of penal or loan interest or a full waiver of outstanding farm loans. 

Need for farm Loan Waiver

  • Tackle agriculture distress caused by deteriorating soil/water quality, increasing input costs, low productivity, etc.
  • Poor production due to natural calamities, poor monsoon etc. impacting loan repayment capability of farmers.
  • Curb farmer’s suicide due to indebtedness e.g. Vidarbha region (Maharashtra).

Argument against farm waivers

  • Fiscal strain e.g. Maharashtra government decision to waive off crop loans cost about Rs 45,000 crore (2020).
  • It is a temporary relief and can lead to wilful default by farmers.
  • Doesn’t address root cause such as low productivity, lack of formal credit etc.
  • Poor implementation, e.g. SBI study (2022), only half of the beneficiaries of the nine farm loan waivers announced by State governments since 2014 have actually received write-offs.

Way forward

  • Access to formal credit; Investment in infrastructural development; Enhancing crop insurance; and Remunerative prices for produce.
  • Tags :
  • Farm Loan Waiver
  • Farmer's suicide
  • Natural calamities
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