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Posted 29 Jul 2024

8 min read


Recently, Union Government informed the Parliament that under Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA), over 6 crore trained and over 4.7 crore candidates have been certified.


  • Launched: In 2017 for digital literacy in rural India.
  • Implementing agency: CSC e-Governance Services India Limited.
  • Targeted beneficiaries: One person (age group of 14-60 years) from every eligible rural household.
  • Coverage: Applicable only for rural areas with a Gram Panchayat centric approach.
  • 20-hour training covering digital devices, internet use, and cashless transactions in 22 scheduled languages and English. 
  • Third-party assessment by recognized agencies, with certificates uploaded to trainees' Digi-Locker accounts.
  • Tags :
  • Common Service Centres

Aquilaria Malaccensis (agarwood)

CITES eases export of agarwood from India, move to benefit lakhs of farmers. 

About Agarwood

  • Aquilaria Malaccensis (agarwood) is an evergreen tree native to Northeast India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and parts of Southeast Asia, and is considered a precious aromatic plant in the region.
  • Economic Utility: aromatic plant’s oil and chips both are highly valued in the market.


  • IUCN Status: Critically Endangered
  • CITES: Appendix II
  • Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule IV 
  • Tags :
  • Aquilaria Malaccensis (agarwood)
  • Agarwood


Recently, MyGov platform completed 10 years since its launch in July 2014.

About MyGov Platform

  • It is a citizen-centric platform that empowers people to connect with the Government & contribute towards good governance.
  • It is a part of Digital India Corporation, a Section 8 Company (not-for-profit) under the Union Ministry of Electronics and IT.
  • Functions: To engage with citizens for policy formulation and seek the opinion of people on issues/ topics of public interest and welfare.
  • It adopted multiple engagement methodologies. E.g. communication via social media, polls, surveys, competitions for crowdsourcing ideas like Logo design for schemes, etc.
  • Tags :
  • MyGov
  • Section 8 Company

Inter-Creditor Agreement

Default by Government-owned Rashtriya Ispat Nigam (RINL) forced lenders to seek cover through an Inter Creditor Agreement (ICA).

About ICA

  • It describes terms and allocation of collateral between common lenders in the event of a default by borrower.
  • It establishes borrower’s rights and positions concerning collateral, payment, and payment priority, as well as the hierarchy between various creditors.
  • According to Reserve Bank of India (Prudential Framework for Resolution of Stressed Assets) Directions 2019, any decision agreed by lenders representing 75% by value of total outstanding credit facilities and 60% of lenders by number shall be binding on all lenders.
  • Tags :
  • Inter Creditor Agreement

Oropouche Virus

Brazil recently reported the world’s first death due to Oropouche virus.

About Oropouche virus disease

  • It is caused by Oropouche virus (OROV), a segmented single-stranded RNA virus.
  • Found to circulate in Central and South America and the Caribbean.
  • Transmitted to humans primarily through the Culicoides paraensis midge (found in forested areas and around water bodies), orCulex quinquefasciatus mosquitos. 
  • Symptoms: similar to dengue (fever, headache, joint stiffness, pain, nausea etc.)
  • To date, there is no evidence of human-to-human OROV transmission.
  • There is no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine for Oropouche virus disease. 
  • Tags :
  • Oropouche Virus

Gaganyaan Mission

Union Government informed the Parliament that one of the four astronauts undergoing training for Gaganyaan mission will travel to International Space Station as part of a collaborative effort with NASA.

About Gaganyaan Mission

  • Envisages demonstration of human spaceflight capability by launching crew of 3 members to an orbit of 400 km for a 3 days mission and bring them back safely to earth.
  • Launch vehicle: Human rated LVM3 (HLVM3)
    • HLVM3 is a re-configured version of LVM3 (consists of solid stage, liquid stage, and cryogenic stage) to meet human rating requirement.
  • Successful launch of Gaganyaan will make India only the 4th country (after the US, Russia, and China) that have launched crewed spacecraft.
  • Tags :
  • Gaganyaan
  • Human rated LVM3 (HLVM3)

Charles Darwin’s frog (Minervarya charlesdarwini)

New study reveals unique upside-down spawning behaviour.

About Minervarya Charlesdarwini Frog

  • It is endemic to Andaman Island
  • Features
    • Intricate Calls: to attract females
    • Upside down spawning: defensive adaptation to protect the eggs.
  • IUCN Status: Vulnerable
  • Threats: Habitat Loss
  • Tags :
  • Charles Darwin's Frog
  • Minervarya charlesdarwini


Erratic weather patterns such as a protracted dry spell, heatwaves, etc. have led to saffron farmers of J&K switching to apple and mustard plantations.

 About Saffron

  • Fragrant stigmata found in the Crocus flowers.
  • One of the most costly spices in the world as 75,000 flowers are needed to make one ounce of pure saffron.
  • Contains aromatic essential oil croncin and the colouring principle crocerin (yellow).
  • Agronomic conditions required for saffron cultivation:
    • Sub-temperate climate with altitude (1500-2250 meters)
    • Annual rainfall (30-40cm) and remaining covered with snow in winter is conducive.
    • Neutral/slightly alkaline well-drained loamy soil.
  • Tags :
  • Saffron
  • Crocus Flowers
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