India investing more in its Act East policy | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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India investing more in its Act East policy

Posted 29 Jul 2024

Updated 30 Jul 2024

2 min read

The AEP was articulated during the PM's visit to Myanmar for the East Asia Summit and the ASEAN + India Summit in November, 2014. 

  • AEP is the policy graduation from Look East Policy enacted in 1992.

About Act East Policy (AEP)

  • AEP focuses on the extended neighborhood (defined for the first time) in the Indo-Pacific region (IPR), with ASEAN as its core. 
  • Objective: Promote economic cooperation, cultural ties and develop strategic relationships in the IPR by providing enhanced connectivity.

Achievements under AEP

  • AEP positioned India’s launching pad to the IPR: E.g., India’s support of Philippines' on South China Sea dispute.
  • AEP  forged stronger strategic partnerships with Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, etc., and established close links with BIMSTEC  and the IOR.
  • Greater integration of Northeastern states with ASEAN to end economic isolation. E.g., India-Japan Act East Forum to promote development and connectivity.

Roadblocks to AEP

  • Deeper Chinese integration in the ASEAN economy.
  • India’s economic under-performance: E.g., India’s trade deficit $ 43.57 billion.


Way forward

Review of  ASEAN FTA; promote tourism, partner with Singapore and Malaysia to boost Indian Semiconductor Mission, etc.

Initiatives under Act East Policy

  • Regional connectivity: E.g., India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway;  Kaladan multi modal transport project.
  • Played the role of ‘pharmacy of the world’: E.g., Supplied Covid-19 vaccines under Vaccine Maitri initiative
  • Defense exports: E.g., India’s supply of the BrahMos missile system to the Philippines.
  • Restoring cultural ties by restoring Monuments: E.g., My Son temples (Vietnam), Buddhist Pagodas in Bagan (Myanmar), Wat Phou Temple Complex (Laos),  Preah Vihear temple (Cambodia).
  • Tags :
  • Act East Policy
  • East Asia Summit
  • India-Japan Act East Forum
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