States/UTs to act as per the definition of “forest” as laid down in the TN Godavarman Thirumulpad (1996) Judgment: Supreme Court (SC) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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States/UTs to act as per the definition of “forest” as laid down in the TN Godavarman Thirumulpad (1996) Judgment: Supreme Court (SC)

Posted 20 Feb 2024

2 min read

  • SC passed an interim order while hearing writ petitions challenging the Forest Conservation (Amendment) (FCA) Act 2023
    • This Act amended the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980.
      • FCA Act, 1980 put several restrictions on the de-reservation of forests or use of forest land for non-forest purposes. 


  • Key Highlights of Direction 
    • Follow the dictionary meaning of ‘forest’ as given in TN Godavarman Thirumulpad (1996) Judgment. FCA Act 2023 placed non-recorded forests out of the purview of the FCA Act, 1980, leaving large areas of forests unprotected.
      • It covered land declared/notified as a forest under the Indian Forest Act, 1927 or other laws.
      • Land recorded in Government records (records held by Revenue Department/Forest Department of the State/UT Governments etc.) as forest, as on or after 1980.
      • Also it exempted certain types of land from the purview of the Act such as Forest land up to 10 hectares. 
    • Establishment of “zoos or safaris” by any government or authority should not be consented to without the final approval of the apex court.
      • FCA Act 2023 excluded zoos or safaris from the definition of non-forest purposes, along with eco-tourism facilities, silvicultural operations etc. 


T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad vs Union of India Case (1996) 

  • Till 1996, concerned authorities used to apply the provisions of the Act only to the forests notified under the Indian Forest Act of 1927. 
  • As per Judgement “forest” covered include:
    • All areas recorded as “forest” in any government (Union and State) record. 
    • All areas that conformed to the “dictionary” meaning of forest.
    • Areas are identified as “forests” by expert committees formed on SC's direction. 
  • Tags :
  • Forest Definition
  • Godavarman Judgment
  • FCA Act 2023
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