A group of scientists have released a landmark white paper on glacial geoengineering | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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A group of scientists have released a landmark white paper on glacial geoengineering

Posted 18 Jul 2024

2 min read

Glacial Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of the climate system around a glacier to slow the melt of the ice shelf and reduce sea level rise. 

Proposed Glacial Geoengineering Strategies

  • Ocean-heat transport interventions: Setting sediment berms or fibrous curtains along the seabed in the front of ice shelves to block the flow of warm circumpolar deep water
  • Basal-hydrology interventions: Slow the flow of streams that carry meltwater off the ice sheets. 
    • This can be done through drilling holes through glacier beds to create drainage channels, thereby diverting meltwater streams and slowing ice sheet loss. 

About Geoengineering

  • Geoengineering is the deliberate, large-scale manipulation of Earth’s climate systems to counteract anthropogenic global warming.
  • Categories of Geoengineering: 
    • Solar Geoengineering / Solar Radiation Management (SRM): It aims to limit the sun's radiation onto the Earth’s surface and reduce global average temperature. 
      • Strategies include Aerosol Injection, Marine Cloud Brightening, Albedo Improvement, Ocean Mirror etc. 
    • Carbon Geoengineering / Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR): It aims to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by removing it from the atmosphere.
      • Strategies include Carbon Capture and Storage, Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement, Ocean Fertilization etc. 

Significance of Geoengineering

  • Can complement decarbonization efforts and help reduce impacts of global warming. 
  • Can halt melting of glaciers and restrict sea level rise.
  • Can prevent climate change induced extreme disasters and protect livelihoods. 

Concerns associated

  • Huge financial costs with little effect.
  • Potential of major disturbances to ecosystems and it might also cause termination shock (rapid rise in global temperatures after technology pause). 
  • Can lead to potential extreme events, acid rain and altered precipitation patterns.
  • Tags :
  • Geoengineering
  • Solar Radiation Management
  • Carbon Dioxide Removal
  • Glacial Geoengineering
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