Global Education Monitoring 2024 Report - Education and climate change | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Global Education Monitoring 2024 Report - Education and climate change

Posted 18 Jul 2024

2 min read

Report is mandated by UNESCO’s ‘Education 2030 Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action’ for monitoring and reporting on SDG 4 (Quality education) and in the other SDGs'.

Key findings 

  • Disruption of Education Systems: Over the past 20 years, schools were closed in at least 75% of the extreme weather events, impacting 5 million people or more.
  • India Related: A study in India found that rainfall shocks in the first 15 years of life negatively affected vocabulary at age five and mathematics & non-cognitive skills at age 15. 
  • Education’s Role: Its role in combating climate change is not given the space it deserves in international agendas. 
    • SDG 4 was addressed in only 2 of 72 transnational climate initiatives.

Impact of climate change on education 

  • Infrastructure & life: Direct effects include the destruction of education infrastructure as well as injuries and loss of life among students, parents and school staff.
  • Displacement: Indirect effects include displacement of people and the effects on people’s livelihoods and health.
  • Climate-induced education vulnerability: It is worse for marginalized populations and low-or lower-middle-income countries.
  • Educational Outcomes: Exposure to heat has significant detrimental effects on children’s educational outcomes like reducing test performance etc. 


Key Recommendations

  • Climate change education needs to be more deeply integrated into the curriculum, across multiple subjects, and with adequate educator training support.
  • Prioritise Climate-resilient education infrastructure
  • Recognize education's role in developing mitigation and adaptation solutions to climate change challenges.
  • Include investment in education under climate finance programs.
  • Engage with non-education stakeholders for education to be included in climate plans and financing. 
  • Tags :
  • Education
  • Climate Change
  • Incheon Declaration
  • Global Education Monitoring Report
  • SDG 4
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