Economic Survey 2023-24 recommends sustainable fertiliser subsidy Mechanism | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Economic Survey 2023-24 recommends sustainable fertiliser subsidy Mechanism

Posted 23 Jul 2024

2 min read


Economic Survey highlighted issues in current design of fertiliser subsidy in India and recommends ways to improve it.

Current Design of Fertilizer Subsidy

  • Union Government, based on recommended dose of nutrient data provided by states, calculates the Recommended Dose of Fertiliser (RDF) and allocates fertilisers to States for each season.
  • States, in turn, sell the fertiliser to the farmers through dealers and primary agriculture cooperative societies using point of sale (POS) devices.
  • Based on the quantity of fertilisers sold to farmers, the Department of Fertilisers pays fertiliser subsidies to the fertiliser companies.

Issues in Current System 

  • PoS devices not integrated with land records.
  • Fertilizer can be purchased by anyone with Aadhaar, leading to misuse.
  • No limits on quantity per person/family.
  • Financial and ecological impacts due to overuse, non-agricultural use, and public resource wastage.
    • Urea accounts for over 82% of nitrogenous fertilisers, leading to imbalanced NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ratios), from 4:3.2:1 in 2009-10 to 7:2.8:1 in 2019-20. 
    • This fertilizer consumption imbalance leads to Soil quality deterioration and health hazards.

Key Recommendations

  • Improving Fertilizer targeting using Agri Stack, a digital platform to integrate stakeholders and improve agricultural outcomes. 
    • Ensuring subsidised fertilisers are sold to identified farmers based on land ownership and crops. 
    • Deciding adequate quantity based on parameters like land and crop data; etc. 
  • Promoting use of E-RUPI, a seamless one-time payment mechanism can provide the necessary subsidy to the farmer directly.


  • Tags :
  • Agri Stack
  • Economic Survey 2023-24
  • E-RUPI
  • Fertilizer subsidy
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