Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released State of the World’s Forests 2024 Report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released State of the World’s Forests 2024 Report

Posted 23 Jul 2024

2 min read

Theme for this year: “Accelerating forest solutions through innovation”.

Key highlights 

  • Deforestation Rate declined to 10.2 million hectare (ha) per year in 2015–2020 from 15.8 million ha per year in 1990–2000.
    • India ranked 3rd for average annual net gain in forest area from 2010- 2020.
  • Non-Timber Forest Products support livelihoods of about 275 million people in India.

Need for Innovation in Forest Sector

  • Climate change related stress (wildfire, pest): Innovative forest and land management strategies needed for resilience.
  • Shift towards bioeconomy: Zero-carbon bioeconomy needs innovation for diverse, efficient wood-based product uses.
  • Opportunity from non-wood forest product: Many wild forest-based foods, including fish, are rich in micronutrients and have high nutritional content. 

Five types of innovation enhancing potential of forests and trees to address global challenges

  • Technological: Remote-sensing & cloud computing generate high-quality forest data, thereby, improve forest management processes. E.g., NASA and ESA's Landsat and Copernicus programs.
  • Social, Policy and Institutional: All interrelated and dynamic innovations to better engage women, youth and Indigenous People. E.g., India's Joint Forest Management Programme mandates 1/3rd female representation on committees.
  • Financial: Innovations to enhance value of standing forests, boost restoration efforts, etc. E.g. Innovations like SCRIPT (Soft Commodity Risk Platform).

Barriers to development of innovations in forest sector

  • Lack of innovation culture discouraging curiosity, creativity and risk-taking.
  • Capital limitations like human (deficient skill); natural (limited access to forest); social (restricted tenure rights), etc.
  • Lack of policy support impacting technology adoption.

Recommendations to scale up innovation

  • Recognizing and rewarding innovation can help foster conducive culture.
  • Boost skills, capabilities and knowledge to ensure that forest-sector stakeholders have capacity to manage innovation creation and adoption.
  • Provide opportunities for knowledge and technology transfer, and build appropriate safeguards.
  • Ensure universally accessible financial resources.
  • Tags :
  • Deforestation
  • State of the World’s Forests 2024
  • SCRIPT (Soft Commodity Risk Platform)
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