International NOvA collaboration reveals new finding on Neutrinos | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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International NOvA collaboration reveals new finding on Neutrinos

Posted 23 Jul 2024

2 min read

The NOvA experiment is helping scientists to study the properties of neutrinos.

  • NovA (NuMI Off-axis 𝜈e Appearance) is located in United States and few Indian Institutes are also part of it. 

Key Finding 

  • Neutrinos come in three varieties: muon, electron and tau.
  • New NOvA results suggest there are two lighter neutrinos and a heavier one.

About Neutrino 

  • In 1930, physicist Wolfgang Pauli hypothesized the existence of a particle like the neutrino. 
  • Nature: A type of subatomic particle and don’t have electric charge and have a small mass.
    • Second-most abundant particles after photons (particles of light) and the most abundant among particles that make up matter.
  • Detectability: Difficult to detect as they interact rarely with other particles.
    • Also known as Ghost Particle. 
  • Neutrino oscillation: In it, a neutrino born as one flavor (electron, muon, or tau neutrino) will eventually morph into the other varieties as it travels.
    • E.g., Electron neutrinos emitted by the Sun transform into muon and tau neutrinos as it reaches earth.
  • Sources: Generally produced when leptons interact with matter. 
    • It can obtained from both natural (Cosmological neutrinos (the Big-bang), etc.) and man-made (Reactor neutrinos (during fission), etc.) sources. 

Key Significance of Studying Neutrinos

  • Studying Universe: Neutrinos help to understand how the universe was formed and its functions now. 
  • Future communication: As neutrinos pass through most matter untouched, they can carry information across large distances.

Key Observatories

  • Indian Neutrino Observatory (INO)
    • Jointly funded by Department of Atomic Energy and the Department of Science and Technology.
    • Location: Bodi West hills of Theni District of Tamil Nadu. 
  • China’s TRIDENT (Tropical Deep-sea Neutrino Telescope)
  • IceCube, The world’s largest neutrino telescope
  • Tags :
  • Nuetrino
  • Leptons
  • Indian Neutrino Observatory (INO)
  • NovA
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