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Posted 15 Feb 2024

Updated 22 Mar 2024

5 min read

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The Union Cabinet has approved the overarching scheme “PRITHvi VIgyan (PRITHVI)” of Ministry of Earth Sciences.


About PRITHvi VIgyan (PRITHVI)

  • Ministry: Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES)
  • Tenure: Period from 2021-26 
  • Overall cost: ₹ 4,797 crore
  • It encompasses five ongoing sub-schemes
    • ACROSS (Atmosphere & Climate Research-Modelling Observing Systems & Services)
    • O-SMART (Ocean Services, Modelling Application, Resources and Technology)
    • PACER (Polar Science and Cryosphere Research)
    • SAGE (Seismology and Geosciences)
    • REACHOUT (Research, Education, Training, and Outreach)


About sub-schemes of PRITHvi VIgyan (PRITHVI)



Major Components 


Development of global advanced weather prediction models

  • Monsoon Convection, Clouds, and Climate Change (MC4): To improve the observational database and climate of monsoonal precipitation changes.
  • High Performance Computing System (HPCS): To develop modern supercomputers, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.
  • Monsoon Mission (MM-II): Predicting weather/climate extremes and development of climatic application.
  • Atmospheric Observations Network: Aimed at sustenance of observational network as per World Meteorological Organization standards.


Oceanographic research activities with the objectives for providing forecast and services for sustainable harnessing of our oceanic resources.

  • Ocean observation and network: Provide vital data for operational forecast, scientific research and applications. 
  • Marine Living Resources (MLR) programme: To develop an ecosystem model for the management of the living resources in the Indian EEZ. 
  • Programme on ‘Sea Water Quality Monitoring’: To identify the periodical changes in seawater quality.
  • Ocean Observation Systems: Provide vital data for operational forecast, scientific research and applications.
  • ‘Ocean-modelling data assimilation and process specific observations’ programme: To measure water quality parameters in the coastal waters around India in a sustained manner.
  • Deep Ocean Mission (DOM):  To explore deep ocean for resources and develop deep sea technologies for sustainable use of ocean resources.
  • Other activities: 
    • Harnessing ocean energy for generating freshwater
    • Seafront Research Facility
    • Studies on Gas hydrates


Integrates all scientific programs regarding studying polar region

  • Indian Antarctic Programme:  Indian Scientific Expeditions, Maintenance of Research bases at Antarctica etc.
  • Indian Arctic Programme: Study Fjords, climate change, sea level change in Arctic
  • Indian Scientific Expeditions to the Southern Ocean (ISESO): Study circumpolar current, their role in carbon sequestration, biogeochemistry and climate change.


Strengthening earthquake monitoring and research on the Earth’s solid components

  • Seismological monitoring and micro-zonation
  • Geodynamics and surface processes
  • Seismicity and earthquake precursors
  • Setting up a facility for geochronology
  • Scientific deep drilling in the Koynaintra plate seismic zone
  • Indian Ocean: Deep ocean observations and dynamics of lithospheric evolution


Raise awareness in general public about various schemes/mission of MoES in various scientific aspects related to Earth system science

  • Research and Development in Earth System Sciences (RDESS)
  • Knowledge Resource Center Network (KRCNet)
  • BIMSTEC Centre for Weather and Climate (BCWC)
  • International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean)
  • Development of skilled manpower in Earth system sciences (DESK)
























































Significance of integrated R&D efforts under PRITHVI

  • Improve understating of the Earth System Sciences by holistically addressing all the five components of the Earth system.
  • Enable development of integrated multi-disciplinary earth science research and innovative programs across different MoES institutes.
  • Boost research in earth system sciences through increased fund availability and cross disciplinary integrative nature of scheme.
  • Address grand challenges of weather and climate, ocean, cryosphere, seismological science and services.
  • Converted research into practical solutions for future disasters arising from Climate change, Pollution, Sea level rise, etc.
  • Understand and predict weather accurately due to increased cross-disciplinary coordination and increased observation data.
  • Explore the living and non-living resources for their sustainable harnessing.
  • Nurture a skilled workforce of Earth system scientists for the future.
  • Help MoES fulfil its mandate to translate Science to Services for the Society.

About the concept ‘Science to service’ for the Society

  • It underscores the importance of bridging the gap between scientific research and real-world applications to create tangible benefits for individuals, communities, and society as a whole.
  • Some key aspects and examples of "Science to Services for the Society":
    • Research Translation:  Actionable solutions involve identifying relevant findings and using them for practical applications for economic/environmental/social benefit.  E.g. Disaster Early Warning Systems, 
    • Technology Transfer:  Involves the process of transferring new discoveries from the laboratory to the marketplace or other sectors where they can be utilized for societal benefits.

E.g. use of CRISPR-Cas9 in treatment of cancer (CAR-T cell therapy), Development of GM crops, etc.

  • Collaboration between Scientists and entrepreneurs: To commercialize scientific discoveries and promote innovation in product designing and marketing.

E.g. Use of digital technology in marketing.

  • Education and Training: Involves disseminating scientific knowledge and expertise to the broader society through education and training programs. E.g. Skilling and training programs run by government.
  • Tags :
  • Ministry of Earth Sciences
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